American Legacy Foundation, First Look Report 12. Exposure to Pro-tobacco Messages among Teens and Young Adults

Autor: Jeff Niederdeppe, MA, Drew Lindsey, BA, Maria E. Girlando, BA, Alec Ulasevich, PhD, Matthew C. Farrelly, PhD
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Jeff Niederdeppe, MA; Drew Lindsey, BA; Maria E. Girlando, BA; Alec Ulasevich, PhD; & Matthew C. Farrelly, PhD. (2003). American Legacy Foundation, First Look Report 12. Exposure to Pro-tobacco Messages among Teens and Young Adults. Tobacco Control. UC San Francisco: Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education. Retrieved from:
Popis: The purpose fo this report is to summarize awareness of and receptivity to pro-tobacco marketing influences from three national samples of teens and young adults following the MSA. The report addresses 4 key research questions. 1)How frequently are young teens (age 12 to 14), older teens (aged 15 to 17), and young adults (age 18 to 24) exposed to pro-tobacco marketing? 2)How frequently are teens and young adults exposed to smoking portrayals in television and films? 3)Have reports of exposure to pro-tobacco marketing among teens and young adults changed between winter 1999-20000, fall 2000, and spring 2001? 4)How does exposure to pro-tobacco marketing differ by race/ethnicity, gender and smoking status?
Databáze: OpenAIRE