Accelerometry based assessment of gait parameters in children

Autor: Herre Faber, Vd Hoeven, H., Ipenburg, S., Lummel, Robert C. R. C. Rob C. R. C., Nancy Blockhuis, Nienhuis, B., Heikens, Sander S. C., Mirko Brandes, Wiebren Zijlstra, Dieter Rosenbaum, Terwee, C. B. Caroline B., Vam Slikke, R. M. A. Rienk M. A., Benink, Rob J. R. J., Meijers, Wil G. H. W. G. H., Vet, H. C. W. Henrica C. W., Fabio Pitta, Thierry Troosters, Spruit, Martijn A., Marc Decramer, Rik Gosselink, Thoumie, P., Forward, M. J., Plasschaert, F. S., Lex Burdorf, Judith Windhorst, Beek, Allard J., Molen, Henk F., Swuste, Paul H. J. J., Janssen, Maurice M. J. A., Rianne Pas, Jos Aarts, Yvonne Janssen-Potten, Johan Vles, Sjors Pinxteren, S. A. T. V., Robert Stokroos, R. J., Herman Kingma, Pas, A. J., Aarts, A. F. J., Nabuurs, C. I. H. C., Janssen, Y., Mokkink, Lidwine B., Slikke, Rienk M. A., Lummel, Rob C. R. C., Bouter, L. M., Witte, S. J., Wetzels, L., Probst, Vanessa S., Peijl, I. D., Vliet Vlieland, T. P. M., Versteegh, M. I. M., Lok, J. J., Munneke, M., Dion, R. A. E., Bulthuis, Y., Vollenbroek-Hutten, M., Hermens, H. J., Vendrig, L., Roozenburg, B., Wal, M., Lisowski, A. E., Murray, D. W., Lisowski, L. A., Creusen, H., Witvrouw, E., Victor, J., Bellemans, J., Rock, B., Verdonk, R., Spenkelink, C. D., Hutten, M. M. R., Greitemann, B. O. L., Schillemans, P. F., Meijer, O. G., Den Dikkenberg, N., Dieën, Jaap H. J. H., Pijls, B., Wuisman, P. I. J. M., Uiterwaal, M., Dam, M. S., Kok, G. J., Vogelaar, F. J., Taminiau, A. H. M., Derycke, P., Vilella, P., Loonbeek, S., Schuffelers, K., Jong, Z., Zwinderman, A. H., Tijhuis, G. J., Hazes, J. M. W., Glerum, E. B. C., Busser, H. J. J., Ott, J., Blank, R., Korte, W. G., Veltink, Peter H. P. H., Bussmann, Hans B. J., Vries, W., Martens, W. I. J. Wim L. J., Kerkhof, G. A., Frank Koelma, Franken, Henry M., Tea-Woo Kim, Yong-Wook Kim, Abrahin, O., Rodrigues, R. P., Nascimento, V. C., Da Silva-Grigoletto, M. E., Sousa, E. C., Marçal, A. C., Hans Van Remoortel, Yogini Raste, Zafeiris Louvaris, Santiago Giavedoni, Chris Burtin, Daniel Langer, Frederick Wilson, Roberto Rabinovich, Ioannis Vogiatzis, Hopkinson, Nicholas S., Schooten, Kimberley S., Rispens, Sietse M., Elders, Petra J. M., Paul Lips, Mirjam Pijnappels, Andersson, M., Janson, C., Emtner, M., Sena, R., Holt, Nicole E., Sanja Percac-Lima, Kurlinski, Laura A., Thomas Julia, C., Landry, Paige M., Braidie Campbell, Nancy Latham, Pengsheng Ni, Alan Jette, Leveille, Suzanne G., Bean, Johnathan F., Maria Cristina Bisi, Federico Riva, Rita Stagni, Filiz Altuğ, Feridun Acar, Göksemin Acar, Uğur Cavlak, Ho-Chun Choi, Ki Young Son, Belong Cho, Sang Min Park, Sung-Il Cho
Přispěvatelé: Neuromechanics, AMS - Ageing and Morbidity, AMS - Fundamental Research, Language and Communication, Mathematics, Movement Behavior, Migration Law, Kinesiology, Faculty of Religion and Theology
Knee Joint
Osteoarthritis: physiopathology
psychology [Pain]
physical activity
of neuroscience
s motor development
Body Mass Index
Disability Evaluation
Knee Joint: physiopathology
treadmill training
Activities of Daily Living
80 and over
Health Status Indicators
Longitudinal Studies
Prospective Studies
Coronary Artery Bypass
Exercise Test: methods
Gait: physiology
correspondence to
Bicycling: physiology
methods [Pain Measurement]
physiology [Bicycling]
rehabilitation [Coronary Artery Bypass]
physiology [Walking]
physiopathology [Pain]
physiology [Aging]
methods [Respiratory Function Tests]
Occupational Diseases
physiopathology [Osteoarthritis]
gait ability
Regression Analysis
maximum inspiratory pressure
physiology [Posture]
Respiratory Function Tests: methods
instrumentation [Physiologic]
Pain: physiopathology
Statistics as Topic: methods
physiopathology [Knee Joint]
balance performance
etiology [Intervertebral Disc Displacement]
Indirect: methods
physiopathology [Chronic Obstructive]
Sensitivity and Specificity
Pain: etiology
s disease
physiopathology [Lung]
methods [Exercise Therapy]
and was accepted mar
sedentary behaviour
Aging: physiology
Physical Therapy Modalities
Retrospective Studies
Intervertebral Disc Displacement: diagnosis
Knee: psychology
uppsala university
Pain: psychology
Cross-Sectional Studies
resistance exercise
step activity
mikael andersson
Low Back Pain
Knee: physiopathology
methods [Statistics as Topic]
Time Factors
Statistics as Topic
Video Recording
physiology [Gait]
physiopath [Chronic Obstructive]
naturalistic assessment
Posture: physiology
Lung: physiopathology
Walking: physiology
Ambulatory: instrumentation
physiopathology [Smoking]
physiology [Movement]
Sickness Impact Profile
Ambulatory: methods
Physiologic: instrumentation
Single-Blind Method
etiology [Low Back Pain]
Smoking: physiopathology
visual block
psychology [Knee]
Coronary Artery Bypass: rehabilitation
Pain Measurement
this article was submitted
Knee Joint: physiology
Observer Variation
Lumbar Vertebrae
Intervertebral Disc Displacement: etiology
methods [Ambulatory]
physiopathology [Knee]
instrumentation [Ambulatory]
Exercise Therapy: methods
physical activity assessment
Middle Aged
etiology [Pain]
Exercise Therapy
Respiratory Function Tests
Pain Measurement: methods
Treatment Outcome
Knee: surgery
diagnosis [Intervertebral Disc Displacement]
Factor Analysis
methods [Exercise Test]
Intervertebral Disc Displacement
Chronic Obstructive
surgery [Knee]
Motor Activity
Occupational Diseases: etiology
études cliniques – analyse de la marche – ambulato
classification [Activities of Daily Living]
Pulmonary Disease
Oxygen Consumption
Predictive Value of Tests
Chronic Obstructive: physiopathology
activity of daily living
Analysis of Variance
physiology [Knee Joint]
brain lesions
Reproducibility of Results
Chronic Obstructive: physiopath
methods [Indirect]
Low Back Pain: etiology
Activities of Daily Living: classification
Movement: physiology
maximum expiratory pressure
Exercise Test
Quality of Life
Children�s motor development
etiology [Occupational Diseases]
Zdroj: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Gait & posture, 482-486
STARTPAGE=482;ENDPAGE=486;TITLE=Gait & posture
Faber, H, Hoeven, H V, Ipenburg, S V, Lummel, R C V R C V R C V R C V, Blockhuis, N, Nienhuis, B, Heikens, S S C, Brandes, M, Zijlstra, W, Rosenbaum, D, Terwee, C B C B, Slikke, R M A V D R M A V D, Benink, R J R J, Meijers, W G H W G H, de Vet, H C W H C W, Pitta, F, Troosters, T, Spruit, M A, Decramer, M, Gosselink, R, Thoumie, P, Forward, M J, Plasschaert, F S, Burdorf, L, Windhorst, J, Beek, A J V D, Molen, H F V D, Swuste, P H J J, Janssen, M M J A, Pas, R, Aarts, J, Janssen-Potten, Y, Vles, J, Pinxteren, S A T V S V, Stokroos, R J R, Kingma, H, Pas, A J, Aarts, A F J, Nabuurs, C I H C, Janssen, Y, Mokkink, L B, van der Slikke, R M A, van Lummel, R C R C, Bouter, L M L M, de Vet, H C W H C W, de Witte, S J, Wetzels, L, Probst, V S, Peijl, I D V D, Vliet Vlieland, T P M, Versteegh, M I M, Lok, J J, Munneke, M, Dion, R A E, Bulthuis, Y, Vollenbroek-Hutten, M, Hermens, H J, Vendrig, L, Roozenburg, B, Wal, M V D, Lisowski, A E, Murray, D W, Lisowski, L A, Creusen, H, Witvrouw, E, Victor, J, Bellemans, J, Rock, B, Verdonk, R, Spenkelink, C D, Hutten, M M R, Greitemann, B O L, Schillemans, P F, Meijer, O G, Dikkenberg, N V D, Dieën, J H V J H V, Pijls, B, Wuisman, P I J M, Uiterwaal, M, Dam, M S V, Kok, G J, Vogelaar, F J, Taminiau, A H M, Derycke, P, Vilella, P, Loonbeek, S, Schuffelers, K, Jong, Z D, Zwinderman, A H, Tijhuis, G J, Hazes, J M W, Glerum, E B C, Busser, H J J, Ott, J, Blank, R, de Korte, W G, Veltink, P H P H, Bussmann, H B J, de Vries, W, Martens, W I J W L J, Kerkhof, G A, Koelma, F, Franken, H M, Kim, T-W, Kim, Y-W, Abrahin, O, Rodrigues, R P, Nascimento, V C, Silva-Grigoletto, M E D, Sousa, E C, Marçal, A C, Van Remoortel, H, Raste, Y, Louvaris, Z, Giavedoni, S, Burtin, C, Langer, D, Wilson, F, Rabinovich, R, Vogiatzis, I, Hopkinson, N S, Schooten, K S, Rispens, S M, Elders, P J M, Lips, P, Pijnappels, M, Andersson, M, Janson, C, Emtner, M, Sena, R, Holt, N E, Percac-Lima, S, Kurlinski, L A, Thomas Julia, C, Landry, P M, Campbell, B, Latham, N, Ni, P, Jette, A, Leveille, S G, Bean, J F, Bisi, M C, Riva, F, Stagni, R, Altuğ, F, Acar, F, Acar, G, Cavlak, U, Choi, H-C, Son, K Y, Cho, B, Park, S M & Cho, S-I 2006, Accelerometry based assessment of gait parameters in children . in Gait & posture . Gait & posture, vol. 10, pp. 482-486 . < >
Popis: The objective of this study was to examine if spatio-temporal gait parameters in healthy children can be determined from accelerations measured at the lower trunk as has been demonstrated in adults, previously. Twenty children aged 3-16 years, participated in a protocol that involved repeated walks of different distances in an indoor environment. During walking, accelerations were measured by three orthogonally mounted acceleration sensors in a small wireless device (DynaPort MiniMod) that was attached to the lower back. Based on an inverted pendulum approach, spatio-temporal gait parameters and walking distances were computed from the acceleration signals. Results were compared to video observations and known walking distances and durations. Steps were successfully detected in 99.6+/-0.6% of all observed steps (n=5554). On average, walking distance was accurately estimated (100.6+/-3.3%, range 93-106.7%). No correlation was found between the number of miscounted steps and the total number of steps or the age of the subject. It can be concluded that the use of an inverted pendulum model provides the possibility to estimate spatio-temporal gait parameters in children as well as in adults. The method allows an inexpensive and comfortable assessment of gait parameters in children, is applicable in controlled, indoor environments and could be tested for applicability under free living conditions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE