Logistic analysis of the warehouse activity of the company HIK d.o.o

Autor: Koprivnik, Dejan
Přispěvatelé: Lerher, Tone
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Podjetje HIK d.o.o. predeluje nove in predelane plastične mase. Proizvaja Gal ščitnike in podložne ploščice različnih dimenzij. Proizvodnja in celotno skladiščno poslovanje poteka v hali tako, da se procesi med seboj prepletajo. V diplomskem delu je podrobno predstavljeno obstoječe stanje proizvodnjega in skladiščnega poslovanja obravnavanega podjetja. Problamatika podjetja se pojavlja v prostorski stiski in neučinkovitem sladiščnem poslovanju. Predstavljena je v kritični analizi diplomskega dela, ki se odraža v preveliki meri ročnega dela, napotrebnih manipulacijah, talnem odlaganju TSE in neuporabnosti informacijskega sistema. Rešitev je v diplomskem delu predstavljena v reorganizaciji skladiščnega prostora in organiziranosti skladiščnega poslovanja. Predlagano je postavitev izdelave regalne konstrukcije in vpeljave nove tehnologije črtne kode. TSE bi skladiščili v paletne regale in tako bi se rešili problema talnega odlaganja in nepotrebnih manipulacij. Z uvedbo vpeljave tehnologije črtne kode bi imeli večjo preglednost nad materialom in omejili bi ročno delo ter potrebovali manj časa za posamezne skladiščna procese. Pri vsem tem bi se zmanjšali skaldiščni stroški. Company HIK Ltd. manufactures new and the processed plastics. Produces Gal shields and crane plates of different dimensions. Production and the entire warehouse operations take place in one hall . In this diploma work is presented in detail the existing condition of the production and storage operations of the enterprise. Problem occurs in lack of space and ineffective warehouse operation. Presented in a critical analysis of diploma work, which is reflected in the very large extent manual work, unnecessary manipulations, a pit for the disposal of TSE and the inapplicability of the information system. The solution presented in this diploma work lies in the reorganization of the storage facility and the structure of storage operations. The proposed layout of shelf- constructions and the take up of new technologies of barcodes. TSE would be stored on pallets and put in the shelf-constructions which would solve the lack of space problem and would avoid unnecessary manipulation. With the introduction of barcode technology greater transparency over the material would be achieved and the range of manual work and the total time of separate warehouse processes would be reduced. All of this would reduce the warehouse costs in general.
Databáze: OpenAIRE