Influence of water erosion on copper and sulphur distribution in vineyard soils

Autor: Jurisic, A., Kisic, I., Zeljka Zgorelec, Kvaternjak, I.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
Popis: Pollution of vineyard soils by copper and sulphur is a result of a long-term fungicides implementation. The goal of this research was to define an impact of slope and grassland cover on vertical and horizontal copper and sulphur distribution in vitisol, rendzina and distric brown soil. From the top to the bottom, at 2 hillsides with different slops 5 profiles were dug. From each profile samples were collected at 4 depths: 0-7, 7-15, 15-30 and 30-50 cm. On the first vineyard slope, the highest total copper content was determined at the lowest located profile (P-5) on depth of 15-30 cm (394 mg/kg). Also, total copper content decreased with soil depth, except on P-5 profile, where total copper content increased. The highest total sulphur content (0.32%) was also recorded at lowest located profile (P-5). Total sulphur content increased with decreasing profile altitude. At the second location, 3 profiles were opened in the vineyard and 2 - at the meadow. Cultivation, fertilisers and pesticides resulted into higher organic matter, total sulphur and total copper content in vineyard soil than in meadows soils.
Databáze: OpenAIRE