Istraživanje znanstvenog načina razmišljanja i logičkog zaključivanja kod studenata

Autor: Menegoni, Karla
Přispěvatelé: Sušac, Ana
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: U ovom diplomskom radu provedeno je istraživanje o znanstvenom razmišljanju i logičkom zaključivanju studenata u dvije etape. Prva etapa bila je testiranje 90 studenata prve godine na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva (FER) Sveučilišta u Zagrebu provedeno 2017. godine koristeći Lawsonov test znanstvenog zaključivanja. Rezultati su pokazali da su neki studenti imali poteškoća s kontrolom varijabli i hipotetsko-deduktivnim zaključivanjem. Kako bi se detaljnije ispitale te studentske poteškoće, konstruirani su dodatni zadatci te je provedeno novo testiranje 97 studenata prve godine FER-a 2018. godine. Analiza rezultata studenata na Lawsonovom testu nije pokazala statistički značajnu razliku između dvije generacije studenata, pa su dalje analizirani ujedinjeni podatci. Lawsonov test sastoji se od parova zadataka višestrukog izbora koji traže odgovor i odgovarajuće obrazloženje, a mogu se bodovati pojedinačno ili u parovima. Postotak točnih odgovora bio je \( (78 \pm 14)\% \) za bodovanje po pojedinačnim zadatcima te \((70 \pm 17)\% \) za bodovanje po parovima zadataka. Hrvatski studenti su postigli nešto bolje rezultate od odgovarajućih kineskih i američkih studenata. Kao što je već spomenuto, neki studenti imali su poteškoća s hipotetsko-deduktivnim zaključivanjem i kontrolom varijabli što je dodatno ispitano novim zadatcima. Postotak točnih odgovora na dodatnom dijelu testa bio je \((73 \pm 18)\%\) što je potvrdilo studentske poteškoće s tim aspektima znanstvenog zaključivanja. Rezultati ovog istraživanja upućuju na to da je potrebno češće koristiti istraživački usmjerenu nastavu. In this diploma thesis, a research on student scientific thinking and logical reasoning was carried out in two stages. The first stage was an assessment of 90 first year students at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER), University of Zagreb conducted in 2017, using Lawson's test of scientific reasoning. The results showed that some students struggled with control of variables and hypothetical-deductive reasoning. In order to explore these student difficulties in more details, additional test items were constructed, and new assessment of 97 first year FER students was conducted in 2018. The analysis of students’ results on the Lawson’s test did not show any statistically significant difference between the two generations of students, so the unified data were further analyzed. Lawson’s test is composed of two tier multiple-choice items that ask for an answer and corresponding explanation, and they can be scored individually or in pairs. The percentage of correct answers was \( (78 \pm 14)\% \) for individual scoring, and it was \((70 \pm 17)\% \) for pair-scoring. Croatian students obtained somewhat better results than corresponding Chinese and U.S. students. As already mentioned, some students had difficulties with hypothetical-deductive reasoning and control of variables that was further investigated with additional test items. The percentage of correct answers on the additional part of the test was \((73 \pm 18)\%\) that confirmed student difficulties with these aspects of scientific reasoning. The results of this study suggest that inquiry-based teaching should be used more frequently.
Databáze: OpenAIRE