Cardinal Stepinac as an Element in Shaping the Image of the National Brand of Croatia

Autor: Trbušić, Davor, Rimac, Stipan
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Communication Management Review
Volume 05
Issue 01
ISSN: 2459-6086
Popis: Nacionalni identitet Hrvatske neodvojiv je od kršćanskog i katoličkog identiteta, koji je kroz 14-stoljetnu povijest srastao s hrvatskim narodom. Mnogi su velikani duha svojim radom i životom zadužili Hrvatsku te tako ostali upamćeni u kolektivnoj memoriji hrvatskoga naroda. Jedan od njih je zasigurno i Alojzije Stepinac, zagrebački nadbiskup i kardinal. Budući da ni pedeset devet godina nakon njegove smrti valorizacija lika i djela kardinala Stepinca ne prestaje izazivati velik interes u hrvatskom javnom prostoru, nameće se sljedeće problemsko pitanje: Je li kardinal Stepinac percipiran kao pozitivan ili negativan element nacionalnog brenda Hrvatske? Stoga ovaj rad, u čijem je središtu istraživanje o predodžbama studentske populacije o kardinalu Stepincu, analizira kakav imidž među ispitanicima uživa taj crkveni velikodostojnik. Rad se bavi i pitanjem treba li Crkva u Hrvatskoj kao stanoviti brend u budućnosti uložiti veće napore pri komuniciranju svojih podbrendova, koji su utkani u izgradnju hrvatskog nacionalnog identiteta. Ključni rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako većina ispitanika kardinala Stepinca percipira kao pozitivnu povijesnu ličnost koja doprinosi pozitivnoj percepciji nacionalnog brenda Hrvatske. Također, sudionici istraživanja se o kardinalu Stepincu najviše informiraju putem tradicionalnih medija, dok su s druge strane napore Crkve u Hrvatskoj pri komuniciranju svojih brendova u javnosti ocijenili nedovoljnima.
The national identity of Croatia is inseparable from the Christian and Catholic identity, which has grown together with the Croatian people throughout its 14 centuries of history. Croatia owes a great debt to many spiritual giants for their work and life, thus remaining remembered in the collective memory of the Croatian people. One of them is certainly Alojzije Stepinac, Archbishop and Cardinal of Zagreb. Since the valorisation of Cardinal Stepinac's character and work, even fifty-nine years after his death, does not stop causing great interest in the Croatian public space, the following problematic question arises: Is Cardinal Stepinac perceived as a positive or negative element of the national brand of Croatia? Therefore, this paper, centred on the study of the student population's perceptions of Cardinal Stepinac, analyses the image enjoyed by the church dignitary among the respondents. The paper also deals with the question of whether the Church in Croatia, as a certain brand, should invest greater efforts in the future in communicating its sub-brands, which are woven into the construction of the Croatian national identity. The key results of the research showed that the majority of respondents perceive Cardinal Stepinac as a positive historical figure who contributes to the positive perception of the national brand of Croatia. Furthermore, the participants of the research are mostly informed about Cardinal Stepinac through traditional media, while on the other hand, they assessed the efforts of the Church in Croatia in communicating its brands to the public as insufficient.
Databáze: OpenAIRE