Fluid Movement Along the Root Fillings Placed by Three Different Gutta-Percha Techniques

Autor: Katic, Denis, Pezelj-Ribaric, Sonja, Ivana Miletic, Anic, Ivica
Zdroj: Publons
Acta stomatologica Croatica : International journal of oral sciences and dental medicine
Volume 41
Issue 2
ISSN: 0001-7019
Popis: Svrha rada bila je ispitati propusnost ispuna korijenskih kanala punjenih tehnikom hladne lateralne kondenzacije, “Touch’n Heatom” i “Thermafil” tehnikom te konstrukcijom za prijenos tekućine. Materijali i postupci: Za rad je rabljen uzorak od 70 jednokorijenskih trajnih zuba obrađenih tehnikom “step-back”. Slučajnim odabirom zubi su podijeljeni u tri skupine po 20 uzoraka i ispunjeni navedenim tehnikama, a koristilo se punilo Diaket. Propusnost ispuna mjereila se konstrukcijom za prijenos tekućine (pomakom mjehurića zraka u mikropipeti povezanoj s uzorkom). Rezultati: Statistički znatano manje propuštanje ustanovljeno je kod uzoraka ispunjenih Thermafilom (0,46 µL ±0,13) u odnosu prema uzorcima ispunjenima Touch’n Heatom (0,77 µL ±0,50) i tehnikom hladne lateralne kondenzacije (0,71 µL ±0,19). Zaključak: U ovom su radu uzorci punjeni tehnikom “Thermafil” pokazali najmanju propusnost.
Objective of work: To asses the leakage of three different root canal filling techniques: cold lateral condensation, Touch’n Heat and Thermafil technique by fluid transport model. The root canals of 70 single rooted teeth were prepared using step-back technique and obturated with tested techniques and Diaket sealer. The leakage was measured by the movement of an air bubble in a capillary glass tube connected to the experimental root. Thermafil technique showed statistically significantly less leakage (0,46 µL ±0,13) than Touch’n Heat (0,77 µL ±0,50) and cold lateral condensation technique (0,71 µL ±0,19). Under the conditions of this study, specimens obturated with Thermafil techniques showed the least leakage.
Databáze: OpenAIRE