Comparing culture and molecular methods for the identification of microorganisms involved in necrotizing soft tissue infections

Autor: Vibeke Børsholt Rudkjøbing, Trine Rolighed Thomsen, Yijuan Xu, Melton-Kreft, R., Ahmed, A., Steffen Robert Eickhardt-Dalbøge, Thomas Bjarnsholt, Steen Seier Poulsen, Per Halkjær Nielsen, Garth Ehrlich, Claus Moser
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Rudkjøbing, V B, Thomsen, T R, Xu, Y, Melton-Kreft, R, Ahmed, A, Eickhardt-Dalbøge, S R, Bjarnsholt, T, Poulsen, S S, Nielsen, P H, Ehrlich, G & Moser, C 2015, ' Comparing culture and molecular methods for the identification of microorganisms involved in necrotizing soft tissue infections. ', The Annual Congress of The Danish Microbiological Society, Copenhagen, Denmark, 09/11/2015-09/11/2015 .
Aalborg University
Databáze: OpenAIRE