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Rasmussen, H 2015, ' Digital Picture Production and Picture aesthetic Competency in It-didactic Design : Digitalt billedarbejde og billedæstetisk kompetenceudvikling i IT-didaktisk design ', InSEA 2015 Risks and opportunities for visual arts education in Europe, Lissabon, Portugal, 07/07/2015-09/07/2015 . |
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In my presentation at the InSEA Conference 2015 I want to introduce my ongoing Ph.D. project with the title ‘Digital Picture Production and Picture aesthetic Competency in It-didactic Design’. The objective of the project is to provide a basis for upgrading and renewal of lessons in the school subject Visual Arts – and crosswise of subjects in school. The overall research question has been: How can IT-didactic designs support lessons in production of complex meaning in digital pictures and increase the development of pupil’s picture aesthetic competences? By using the expression ‘complex meaning production in digital pictures’ I want to stress the particular complexity related to meaning represented in digital pictures. Nelson Goodman has pointed out specific aesthetic features of symbols, which characterize visual symbolism in general to a greater or lesser extent. The presence of such aesthetic features makes the total potential of meaning in pictures nuanced, complex, relational, ambiguous and therefore impossible to articulate in its entirety. (Goodman 1968). Since digital pictures at the same time often interact with other kinds of symbols, such as sound and text, the meaning potential in digital picture productions will tend to be distinctly complex, such as also Mie Buhl has pointed with reference to Paul Duncum. (Buhl 2005, Duncum 2014).To handle production of such distinctly complex meaning in digital pictures seems to be a didactic challenge in school. It also seems like lessons in digital picture production have been challenged by problems related to the most common available media in schools for many years such as PCs, PC software and digital cameras; and from teachers’ inadequate training in digital picture production. From a Danish investigation from 2011 we know, that It and media are only used seldom by 21 % of teachers in Visual Arts and 7 % of teachers in this subject never use It and Media in these lessons. Art teachers – among others - also express the need for continuing education. (Ministeriet for Børn og Undervisning 2011). Since lessons in digital picture production have been a demand in Visual Arts in Danish schools for more than two decades, these conditions call for development of new didactic knowledge. Besides new genres and ways of using digital pictures and media continuously develop. (Sørensen 2002). This ought to be an incessant challenge for teachers in the school subject of Visual Arts and has also encouraged me to make my investigation.The investigation is designed with reference to Design Based Research. (Cobb et. All 2003, Van den Akker 2006). This means that IT-didactic designs of digital picture production have been developed, implemented and tested in classrooms through interventions in school. Selected preliminary results of the investigation will be enlightened during my presentation at the conference. To mention one example though, I have found, that the use of iPads and the graphic interface in Apps has a certain potential to overcome specific didactic challenges related to lessons in production of complex meaning in digital pictures and increases the development of pupil’s picture aesthetic competences.References:Buhl, Mie (2005): “Den æstetiske aktualisering af læringspotentialer med medier og it” in Mie Buhl m.fl. (red): ”Medier og it – læringspotentialer”, Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsforlag. Cobb, P. et al. (2003): “Design Experiments in Educational Research” in “Educational Researcher”, vol. 32, no. 1.Duncum, Paul (2004): ”Visual Culture isn’t just visual – Multiliteracy, Multimodality and Meaning”in “Studies in Art Education – A Journal of Issues and Research” Vol. 45, No. 3.Goodman, Nelson (1968): “Languages of Art – an Approach to a Theory of Symbols”, Indianapolis U.S.A., The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc..Ministeriet for Børn og Undervisning (2011): “Kortlægning af de praktisk/musiske fags status og vilkår i folkeskolen”. Rapport, Rambøll.Sørensen, Birgitte Holm (2002): “Digital produktion – nye æstetiske former og produktionsmåder under udvikling” in Carsten Jessen m.fl. (red): ”Børn på nettet – kommunikation og læring”, Gads Forlag.Van den Akker, Paul et al. (2006): ”Introducing Educational Design Research” in Van den Akker, Paul et al. (red): ”Educational Design Research” |