Feminist sub-activism and digital collective repertoires: Cyberfeminist practices on Twitter

Autor: Sánchez-Duarte, José-Manuel, Fernández-Romero, Diana
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Scipedia Open Access
Scipedia SL
Popis: The Network is an emerging space for political and feminist activism. Sub-activist practices, less institutionalized and more connected with subjective experiences, find in digital technology new ways of connecting latent politics and civic political participation with conventional activism. We try to define profiles and practices of use from 12 in-depth interviews with activists who have a long history in the feminist movement and who use social networks intensively, in particular Twitter, for their policy initiatives. As a conclusion this article shows how digital collective repertoires of action establish a continuum between real life and online militancy as well as amplify, empower, and democratize feminist popularization. In turn, social networks are configured as inbred spaces and not fully conquered by feminist groups, so it is necessary to create novel scenarios of their own and to promote proposals and discourses with transformative political capacity.
Databáze: OpenAIRE