
Autor: Ariyoshi, Hiromi, Ogasawara, Masashi, Kobayashi, Toshio
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2005
Popis: 本研究は,産業保健師が中心となりヘルスプロモーション理念を取り入れた一次予防主体の産業保健活動の効果を検討するために,同一社内で異なる産業保健活動を行ってきた2組織間(本社群と製作群)における7年間の生活習慣および生活習慣病危険因子の変化を比較した.対象は,新聞社に勤務する男性社員271名(平均年齢39.1±9.5歳)で,内訳は本社群183名,製作群88名であった.一次予防主体の産業保健活動を展開した製作群では,7年間の間に運動が増加傾向にあったのに対し,診療中心の二次予防主体の看護活動を行っていた本社群では,飲酒者減少のみを認めた.また,生活習慣病危険因子の増悪の程度については,BMI,GPT,γ-GTP,総コレステロール,中性脂肪およびHbA1c の6項目について,いずれも製作群が本社群に比べ有意に小さかった(p
The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of the development of industrial nursing activities based on a health promotion philosophy on changes in the risk factors for life-style related diseases over seven years. The subjects (n=271) were male employees (39.1±9.5 years. at baseline) of a newspaper company which had two different styles of nursing activities. The printing factory group (n=88) had the first preventive promotion, while the headquarters group (n=183) had the second preventive promotion. The headquarters group showed a small improvement in drinking habits but no further improvement in smoking and exercise habits. The printing factory group showed a small improvement in their exercise habits. On checking the increase in risk factors including BMI (body mass index), GPT, γ-GTP, total-cholesterol, triglycerides and HbA1c, the printing factory group showed significantly smallerincreases than the headquarters group (p
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