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Budući da se dugotrajnom termičkom obradom voća i povrća bitno mijenjaju prehrambena vrijednost i organoleptička svojstva proizvoda, sve se više primjenjuju postupci minimalnog procesiranja. Danas industrija minimalno procesiranog voća i povrća ima brži rast od svih ostalih segmenata prerade voća i povrća, te se širi na nova tržišta diljem svijeta. Zbog sve većeg interesa potrošača za gotovim, već pripremljenim, tzv. „ready to use“, „ready to eat“ proizvodima, na tržištu je prisutan veliki izbor proizvoda od voća i povrća, ponajviše gotovih salata, svježih i rezanih plodova voća i povrća. Prerada kruške u minimalno procesirane proizvode predstavlja poseban izazov, kako zbog sklonosti kruške enzimskom posmeđivanju i omekšavanju tkiva tijekom skladištenja, tako i zbog mikrobiološkog kvarenja. U radu će biti opisani minimalno procesirani proizvodi od krušaka kao što su tzv. „fresh-cut“ proizvodi, salate, sokovi i dr., sredstva koja se koriste tijekom procesiranja, te značaj pojedinih čimbenika koji utječu na kvalitetu prerađevina. Since long-term heat treatment of fruits and vegetables significantly changes the nutritional value and organoleptic properties of the product, minimal processing procedures are increasingly used. Today, the industry of minimally processed fruits and vegetables is growing faster than all other segments of fruit and vegetable processing markets around the world. Due to the growing interest of consumers for ready-made, already prepared, so-called "ready to use", "ready to eat" products, the market has a large selection of fruit and vegetable products, mostly ready-made salads, fresh and sliced fruits and vegetables. Processing pears into minimally processed products is a special challenge, both due to the tendency of pears to enzymatic browning and soften tissues during storage, and due to microbiological spoilage. The paper will describe minimally processed pear products such as the so-called "fresh-cut" products, salads, juices, etc., agents used during processing, and the importance of certain factors that affect the quality of processed products. |