Inégalités et équité en Afrique

Autor: Cogneau, Denis, Bossuroy, T., Vreyer, P. de, Guenard, C., Hiller, V., Leite, P., Mesplé-Somps, Sandrine, Pasquier-Doumer, Laure, Torelli, C.
Rok vydání: 2006
Popis: A new analysis of large-sample surveys in five comparable Sub-Saharan African countries allows measuring for the first time inequality of opportunity in Africa, aside inequality of resources and of living standards. We confirm the prevalence of high levels of inequality among the region’s countries. Yet we also find considerable differences in the structures of this inequality. Furthermore, intergenerational educational and occupational mobility and the equality of opportunity for income between social origins are quite definitely greater in countries where income inequality is lower, such as Ghana and Uganda, than in higher-inequality countries such as Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea and Madagascar.
Databáze: OpenAIRE