Internet marketing as a factor of development of small and medium business in conditions of economic crisis

Autor: Bagautdinova N., Belikov N., Murtazin A.
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: SCOPUS15441458-2016-15-2-SID85019480831
Popis: In the article, small and medium business is presented from the point of view of its influence on the parameters of the national economy. Key trends and factors of its development in conditions of crisis were identified, the sector with the most negative and positive dynamics, as well as reducing the scale and scope of state support of small and medium business were noted. A sociological survey of small and medium business is the basis for the formation and argumentation of the author's findings and suggestions. The results of a survey on the subject of identifying the problems and expectations of entrepreneurs of the city of Kazan the Republic of Tatarstan in 2016 were shown and analyzed. The survey results the relationship of the use of technologies of Internet marketing by the subjects of small and medium business and their relations to the economic conditions of doing business in the country and expectations for 2016. Respondents that use Internet technology have a positive attitude to the economic situation in the country; they are seeing an increase in the number of Internet users in Russia, the creation of new tools and applications to promote companies and brands on the Internet, the growth of customer confidence in Internet Commerce. It was concluded that Internet technologies are of great importance not only in the marketing promotion of the projects, but also directly affect the dynamics of development and the psychological state of the entrepreneurs: their relation to the economic crisis and expectations for 2016.
Databáze: OpenAIRE