The Litigants Concerned in the Labour Process

Autor: Ron-Latas, Ricardo Pedro, Lousada, Fernando
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: RUC. Repositorio da Universidade da Coruña
Popis: [Resumo] Neste artigo analízanse as partes no proceso laboral. En concreto, estúdase a regulación actual das devanditas partes na nova Lei reguladora da xurisdición social, a través dunha sistemática centrada en clarificar a complexa armazón xurídico-procesual vixente no noso dereito adxectivo. [Abstract] This article discusses the litigants concerned in the labour process. In particular, we study the current regulation about the persons under a court’s jurisdiction in the new Social Jurisdiction Regulatory Act, through a systematic focus on clarifying the complex legal and procedural framework in force in our adjective law.
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