Panel performance assessment - Zzzagimed 2020 competition

Autor: Šarić, Sara
Přispěvatelé: Vahčić, Nada
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Senzorska analiza je znanstvena disciplina koja se bavi procjenom svojstava proizvoda pomoću osjetila. Senzorsku analizu provodi senzorski panel koji je sastavljen od prethodno odabranih i obučenih senzorskih analitičara. Za dobivanje mjerodavnih rezultata senzorske analize, nužno je provjeravati učinkovitost i pouzdanost senzorskog panela. Dostupno je više komercijalnih programa koji mogu poslužiti u tu svrhu, a jedan od njih je i PanelCheck, koji je korišten u izradi ovog rada. Cilj ovog istraživanja je statistička procjena učinkovitosti senzorskog panela i senzorskih analitičara, čime se dobiva pregled nad učinkovitošću panela kao cjeline te panelista pojedinačno. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da je panel koji je senzorski procjenjivao uzorke meda potrebno dodatno podučavati, te podvrgnuti svakog člana panela dodatnim treninzima. Sensory analysis is a scientific discipline involved with the assessment of the attributes of a product by the senses Sensory analysis is performed by a sensor panel which is composed of previously selected and trained sensor analysts. To obtain relevant results of the sensory analysis, it is necessary to check the efficiency and reliability of the sensor panel. There are several commercial programs available that can serve this purpose, and one of them is PanelCheck, which was used in the creation of this paper. The aim of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of the sensor panel as an entirety, and assessors separately. This provides an overview of the effectiveness of the entire panel and the panellists individually. The obtained results showed that the panel needed to be further taught. Also, each member of the panel should be subjected to additional training.
Databáze: OpenAIRE
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