The H5 guide system - the latest innovative guide system at the ILL

Autor: Beaucour, Jérôme, Kreuz, Michael, Boehm, Martin, Boffy, Romain, Cristiglio, V., Demé, B., Didier, L., Falus, P., Fouquet, P., Gandelli, R., Gibert, Y., Giroud, B., Jarry, B., Lachaume, P., Roux, S., Thomas, F., Vorobiev, A.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Neutron News, ISSN 1044-8632, 2015, Vol. 26, No. 3
Archivo Digital UPM
Popis: The H5 program with the complete rebuild of the guide system and the upgrade or renovation of all instruments leads to a tremendous increase of the instrument performances. The improvement was obtained both in terms of more useful flux and upgrade of the different instruments (e.g. higher field density for IN15). In addition, the industrial application instrument D50 offers an addition to the ILL instrument suite (see p. 27 in this issue). With the commissioning of the new spin echo spectrometer WASP in 2016, the H5 program will be completed and a considerable improvement for the ILL instrument park will be finalized.
Databáze: OpenAIRE