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The new loanwords from Japanese to Chinese such as “御宅族” (オタク), “萌” (萌え), etc., introduced after the implementation of the “reform and opening up” policy of China in 1978, are called “日源新詞Riyuanxinci”.This article tries to show the correlation between the degree of acceptance of Riyuanxinci and the social categories of Chinese native speakers such as gender, age, region, etc. The article also tries to figure out the characteristics of words that are easy to be accepted, and the characteristics of users who are easy/difficult to accept new words. Based on the results, the paper will clarify the actual situation of acceptance of Riyuanxinci in Chinese society.The questionnaire survey was conducted from August to September 2015 in three cities (Shanghai, Jinan, and Tancheng)on Chinese native speakers over the age of 14. The respondents were asked to make a judgment on the cognitive level of each word from “use (4 points)”,“understand (3 points)”,“know (2 points)”, and “don’t know (1 point)”. At last, the survey got responses from 405 people. Based on the responses, I calculated the acceptance points of each word and each respondent. Using these points, the degree of acceptance of 35 words was confirmed and the relationship to respondents' social attributes were analyzed.As results of some statistical analyses, I found that the 35 Riyuanxinci were generally established at the level of "know" to "understand", and the degree of acceptance of the Riyuanxinci was influenced by region, age, academic background and occupation. The strongest factor was region. I argued that region could be influential because of the information gap between the regions, the differences in density of social networks, and the interregional disparity of educational background.It is presumed that the acceptance process of the Riyuanxinci is accepted by young people with a high education level in large cities first and then spreads to other generations and regions. In addition, the acceptance process of some Riyuanxinci is different from others, it is thought that these words are intensively accepted in a particular group first and then become established in society. For example, those words which related to Japanese subculture are firstly accepted by teenagers and tend to spread to other generations.“御宅族”(オタク)“萌”(萌え)等のように,1978年の中国の「改革開放」政策が実施されて以来,中国語に取り入れられた日本語由来の外来語は「日源新詞」と呼ばれている。本研究は,日源新詞の定着度を,性差,年齢差などの言語使用者の属性との関わりから確認し,受容されやすい語の性質,また新語を受け入れやすい/受け入れにくい使用者の特徴などを把握する。その結果から,日源新詞の社会内での受容の実態をあきらかにする。 本研究の日源新詞定着度調査は,2015年8月から9月にかけて,中国の3つの都市で14才以上の中国語母語話者計405人を対象に質問紙により実施した。回答者には,各調査語について,「使用(4点)」「理解(3点)」「認知(2点)」「未知(1点)」の4段階で判定することを求めた。その結果をもとに,調査語ごと及び調査回答者ごとに定着の度合いを数値化した。その数値をもとに,35の調査語の定着の様相を確認し,回答者の属性との関連を分析した。 その結果,35語の日源新詞は全体的には「認知」から「理解」という段階に定着していることがわかった。回答者の属性との関係をみると,新詞の定着度には,地域,年齢,学歴,職業が影響すること,また,5つの属性のうち,地域の影響が一番強いことなどの結果が得られた。地域が一番影響するのは,地域間の情報格差,社会網の密度の差,そして学歴の地域間格差などの原因が考えられる。 現在の日源新詞の受容プロセスは,まず大都市の高学歴の若年層によって受容され,他の世代や地域に広まっていくものと推測される。また,特定の集団において集中的に受容されるものは,他の日源新詞と異なる受容のプロセスを経て社会の中に定着していくと考えられる。例えば,サブカルチャー関係のものは,まず10代の若年層によって受容され,他の世代に広がっていく傾向にある。 |