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Kronična opstrukcijska plućna bolest (KOPB) jedan je od vodećih uzroka morbiditeta i mortaliteta širom svijeta. Karakterizirana je ireverzibilnim ograničenjem protoka zraka, upalom i remodeliranjem plućnog tkiva. S obzirom na povećanu izloženost populacije čimbenicima rizika za razvoj KOPB-a, simptome koji narušavaju kvalitetu života i nedostatke trenutačnog dijagnostičko-terapijskog pristupa, ova bolest predstavlja rastući javnozdravstveni problem. Napori za pronalaskom novih biomarkera i terapijskih meta u središte pozornosti smjestili su mikroRNA (miRNA, miR), 19-22 nukleotida duge i visokokonzervirane molekule, uključene u širok spektar različitih bioloških procesa poput upale, stanične proliferacije, diferencijacije i smrti. Uloga miRNA u regulaciji genske ekspresije komplementarnim sparivanjem s ciljnom mRNA molekulom te njihova iznimna stabilnost u tjelesnim tekućinama čini ih izuzetno zanimljivim područjem za buduća istraživanja. Štoviše, miRNA molekule mogu biti otpuštene u izvanstanični prostor i transportirane do ciljnih stanica u sklopu vezikula posredujući tako međustaničnu komunikaciju što produbljuje tezu o potencijalnim miRNA biomarkerima i terapeuticima u KOPB-u. Ovaj pregledni rad pruža uvid u do danas najbolje opisane miRNA molekule koje su se istaknule kao moguće nove terapijske i dijagnostičke mete u KOPB-u. Također, sažeto prikazuje ulogu izvanstaničnih vezikula u patogenezi KOPB-a i njihovu upotrebu kao mogućih biomarkera, terapeutika i nosača za dostavu miRNA terapijskih molekula. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. It is characterised by irreversible airflow limitation, inflammation and lung tissue remodeling. Considering the increased exposure of the population to the risk factors for development of COPD, the symptoms that impair the quality of life and the shortcomings of the current diagnostic and therapeutic approach, this disease represents a growing public health problem. Efforts to find new biomarkers and therapeutic targets have placed microRNAs (miRNAs, miRs), 19-22 nucleotide long and highly conservated molecules, involved in wide range of various biological processes such as inflammation, cell proliferation, differentiation and death, into the spotlight. The role of miRNAs in the regulation of gene expression by complementary pairing with the target mRNA molecule, as well as their exceptional stability in body fluids, makes them an extremly interesting field for future reasearch. Moreover, miRNA molecules can be released into the extracellular space and transported to target cells via vesicles thus mediating intercellular communication, which deepens the thesis of potential miRNA biomarkers and therapeutics in COPD. This review provides an insight into miRNA molecules best described to date which have emerged as possible new therapeutics and diagnostic targets in COPD. It also summarizes the role of extracellular vesicles in the pathogenesis of COPD as well as their use as potential biomarkers, therapeutics, and delivery vehicles for miRNA therapeutic molecules. |