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CharlesUniversityinPrague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy Candidate Mgr. TomášValena Supervisor PharmDr. Jiří Klimeš,Ph.D.,MBA Title of RigorosumThesis Real world data and health-economicaspectsoftreatment of respiratory diseasesinthe CzechRepublic The aim of this PharmD thesis was to present comprehensive commentary on author`s publications focusingonthe healtheconomicsaspectsandreal worlddatainthe areaof healthtechnologiesinthe CzechRepublic,specificallyforrespiratorydiseases. The Health Technology Assessment (HTA) is a multidisciplinary evaluation process that assess information on medical, social, economic (cost-effectiveness and budget impact) and ethical aspects relatedtothe use of ahealthtechnologythroughoutitslifespan.Healtheconomicsandevidencefrom real worldare an integral partof HTA. Research focuses on the importance and application of data collection and adaptation of health economic analyses in conditions of local clinical practice in the treatment of respiratory diseases, namely chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and severe asthma. This data could be subsequentlyusedasatool for value demonstrationformanagedentryof the drugwhere there isan uncertaintyfromregulatororpayer,whetheronthe side of outcomesorcosts of intervention. The... |