The typological and stylistic characteristics of the Early-Neolithic pottery found in Konjevrate

Autor: Korić, Martina, Horvat, Kristina
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Diadora : glasilo Arheološkog muzeja u Zadru
Volume 32.
Issue 32.
ISSN: 2459-7694
Popis: U radu su predstavljene tipološke i stilske karakteristike keramičkih nalaza ranog neolitika iz Konjevrata. Riječ je o keramičkim nalazima otkrivenim na nalazištu ranog neolitika smještenom neposredno uz crkvu sv. Ivana, na mjestu današnjeg groblja u Konjevratima. Istraživanja pod vodstvom M. Menđušića provedena su 1988. – 1990. i 1998. godine. Keramički materijal pohranjen je u Muzeju grada Šibenika, a pripada tipičnom repertoaru kulture impresso keramike. Na temelju stilsko-tipološke analize i radiokarbonskih datuma moguće ga je pripisati samom početku ranog neolitika istočnog Jadrana.
This paper presents the typological and stylistic characteristics of the Early-Neolithic pottery finds from Konjevrate. The pottery was found at the Early-Neolithic site located in the immediate vicinity of the St. John’s Church, at the present-day cemetery in Konjevrate. The excavation campaigns of 1988-1990 and 1998 were led by M. Menđušić. The ceramic material belongs to the typical repertoire of the Impressed Ware culture. It is stored in the Šibenik City Museum. Based on the stylistic and typological analyses and radiocarbon dating, it can be attributed to the very beginning of the Early Neolithic of the Eastern Adriatic.
Databáze: OpenAIRE