Competitive weightlifters display significant inter- and intra-individual variability in the kinematics of the back squat

Autor: Mathias Kristiansen, Gorm Henrik Fogh Rasmussen, Markus Esbjørn Sloth, Michael Voigt
Zdroj: Aalborg University
Kristiansen, M V, Rasmussen, G H F, Sloth, M E & Voigt, M 2018, Competitive weightlifters display significant inter-and intra-individual variability in the kinematics of the back squat . in Book of Abstracts, 23rd Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, ECSS, 4-7 July 2018, Dublin, Ireland . European College of Sport Science, pp. 69-70, 23rd Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, ECSS, Dublin, Ireland, 04/07/2018 . < >
Databáze: OpenAIRE