Comparison of structured adsorbents for theadsorptive isolation of food ingredients from largestreams

Autor: Rodriguez-Illera, M., Boon, M.A., Boom, R.M., Janssen, A.E.M.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 98, 240-251
Popis: We present guidelines for the configuration of industrial scale chromatographic separationof small molecules. We compared the performance of different axial packed beds, chan-neled monoliths and a continuous monolith assuming silica as base material. The calculatedmass transfer rates were used to calculate the height of a theoretical plate (HETP). The HETPand pressure drop relations as a function of velocity were used to calculate the resultantvelocity and packing length for different conditions (efficiency, pressure drop, affinity con-stant and throughput). The specific productivity of channeled monoliths can be up to 2.5orders of magnitude higher than that of a packed bed. This implies that at large scales (inwhich the pressure drops need to be limited, and the flow rate is high), channeled monolithsare preferred since they may reduce the equipment size up to 100 times and the requiredresin volume up to 1000 times. Accordingly, we demonstrate the potential of channeledmonoliths in chromatographic processes but also draw a window pointing out the feasibleconfigurations to use with the highest productivity for a given set of process requirements.
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