Innovative solutions for tackling food waste and food loss in the fruit and vegetable supply chain

Autor: Petljak, Kristina
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Agroeconomia Croatica
Volume 11
Issue 1
ISSN: 1849-1146
Popis: Cilj rada je dati pregled strategija Europske komisije, prvenstveno strategije „Od polja do stola“, kao jedne od ključnih mjera u okviru europskog zelenog plana. Uzimajući u obzir sigurnost hrane i sigurnost opskrbe hranom kao prioritete Europske unije, u radu se predstavlja jedan od ciljeva navedene strategije, a to je smanjenje gubitka i rasipanja hrane, s posebnim naglaskom na opskrbni lanac voća i povrća, analizu mogućnosti smanjenja gubitaka i rasipanja hrane i unapređenja opskrbnog lanca voća i povrća. Rezultati istraživanja bit će od pomoći prvenstveno poljoprivrednim proizvođačima, s ciljem smanjenja gubitaka i boljeg upravljanja gubicima u opskrbnom lancu voća i povrća.
The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the most important strategies of the European Commission, primarily the strategy “From Farm to fork”, as one of the key measures within the European Green Deal. Taking into account food safety and supply chain security as priorities of the European Union, the paper presents one of the goals of this strategy, which is to reduce food loss and waste, with special emphasis on the supply chain of fruits and vegetables, analysis of food loss and waste reduction and improving the fruit and vegetable supply chain. Research results will be of help primarily to agricultural producers, with the aim of reducing food waste and better managing food loss in the fruit and vegetable supply chain.
Databáze: OpenAIRE