Knowledge and Use of Caries Risk Assessment for Adult Patients Croatian Dentists

Autor: Ivanišević Malčić , Ana, Čimić , Samir, Brzović Rajić, Valentina, Holmgren, Christopher, Doméjean, Sophie, Miletić, Ivana
Přispěvatelé: University of Zagreb, Centre de Recherche en Odontologie Clinique (CROC), Université Clermont Auvergne [2017-2020] (UCA [2017-2020]), CHU Estaing [Clermont-Ferrand], CHU Clermont-Ferrand
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: acta stomatologica croatica
acta stomatologica croatica, 2020, 54 (2), pp.168-174. ⟨10.15644/asc54/2/7⟩
Acta stomatologica Croatica : International journal of oral sciences and dental medicine
Volume 54
Issue 2
ISSN: 0001-7019
Popis: Svrha rada: Svrha istraživanja bila je evaluirati upotrebu procjene rizika za nastanak karijesa (PRK)kod hrvatskih općih stomatologa i procijeniti njihovo znanje i stajališta o PRK-u. Materijal i postupci: Poveznica za on-line upitnik poslana je na e-adrese 1500 stomatologa u Hrvatskoj. Dobiveni podatcianalizirani su s pomoću deskriptivne statistike, logističke regresije i Chi-kvradrat testa. Rezultati: Od257 ispitanika njih 47 % obavlja PRK rutinski, a samo se 4,5 % pritom koristi specifičnim formularima.Među ispitanicima znatno je varirala važnost različitih čimbenika pri pripremi plana terapije. Nadalje,77 % ispitanika temeljilo je individualnu prevenciju (IPK) karijesa na PRK-u. Veza između PRK i IPK tePRK i plana terapije bila je statistički značajna (p = 0,001). Praktičari koji primjenjuju PRK češće pla-niraju terapiju i provode IPK prema PRK-u. Na uporabu PRK-a nisu utjecali ni specijalizacija, ni iskustvo stomatologa. Zaključci: Velikom dijelu (53 %) hrvatskih općih stomatologa PRK nije dio rutinskeprakse i postoji značajna povezanost između njegove primjene i planiranja terapije te IPK. Potrebno je promicati uporabu PRK-a u svakodnevnoj dentalnoj praksi u Hrvatskoj.
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the usage of caries risk assessment (CRA) by Croatian general practitioners and evaluate their knowledge and attitudes towards CRA. Material and methods: A link to an online questionnaire was sent via e-mail to a sample of 1,500 general dentists in Croatia. The obtained data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, logistic regression analyses and chi-square tests. Results: Of 257 respondents, 47% performed CRA routinely, but only 4.5% of them used a specific CRA form. The significance of different actors in the development of a treat-ment plan varied considerably among respondents. Furthermore, in 77% of the respondents CRA was a basis for planning individual caries prevention (ICP). The association between CRA and ICP, and be-tween CRA and treatment planning was statistically significant (p=0.001). The practitioners doing CRA more often plan their treatment and ICP according to CRA. The use of CRA was not influenced by specialty and dentists’ experience. Conclusions: In a considerable percentage (53%) of Croatian general dentists, CRA is not part of their routine practice, and there is a strong association between the use of CRA and treatment plans and ICP. There is a need to promote the use of CRA in daily dental practice in Croatia.
Databáze: OpenAIRE