Precision measurements of B[ψ(3686)→π^{+}π^{-}J/ψ] and B[J/ψ→l^{+}l^{-}]

+lepton%2B+lepton%22&type=SU">J/psi(3100) --> lepton+ lepton, psi(3685) --> J/psi(3100) pi+ pi, 3.686 GeV-cms [3.650], High Energy Physics::Experiment, ddc:530, universality [electron muon], leptonic decay [J/psi(3100)], hadronic decay [psi(3685)], experimental results -->
Popis: Based on $(106.41 \pm 0.86)\times 10^{6}$ $\psi(3686)$ events collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider, the branching fractions of $\psi(3686) \to \pi^+\pi^- J/\psi$, $J/\psi \to e^+e^- $, and $J/\psi \to \mu^+\mu^-$ are measured. We obtain ${\cal B}[\psi(3686) \to \pi^+\pi^-J/\psi]=(34.98\pm 0.02\pm 0.45)%$, ${\cal B}[J/\psi \to e^+e^-] = (5.983 \pm 0.007 \pm 0.037)%$ and ${\cal B}[J/\psi \to \mu^+\mu^-] = (5.973 \pm 0.007 \pm 0.038)%$. The measurement of ${\cal B}[\psi(3686) \to \pi^{+}\pi^{-}J/\psi]$ confirms the CLEO-c measurement, and is apparently larger than the others. The measured $J/\psi$ leptonic decay branching fractions agree with previous experiments within one standard deviation. These results lead to ${\cal B}[J/\psi \to l^+l^-] = (5.978 \pm 0.005 \pm 0.040)%$ by averaging over the $e^{+}e^{-}$ and $\mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ channels and a ratio of ${\cal B}[J/\psi \to e^+e^-] / {\cal B}[J/\psi \to \mu^+\mu^-] = 1.0017 \pm 0.0017 \pm 0.0033$, which tests $e$-$\mu$ universality at the four tenths of a percent level. All the measurements presented in this paper are the most precise in the world to date.
Jazyk: English
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.032007
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Přírůstkové číslo:
Autor: Ablikim, M., Achasov, M. N., Bennett, J. V., Jing, F. F., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kavatsyuk, M., Kloss, B., Kopf, B., Kornicer, M., Kuehn, W., Lai, W., Lange, J. S., Lara, M., Bertani, M., Larin, P., Leyhe, M., Li, C. H., Li, Cheng, Li, Cui, Li, D. M., Li, F., Li, G., Li, H. B., Li, J. C., Bian, J. M., Li, K., Li, Lei, Li, Q. J., Li, W. D., Li, W. G., Li, X. L., Li, X. N., Li, X. Q., Li, X. R., Li, Z. B., Boger, E., Liang, H., Liang, Y. F., Liang, Y. T., Liao, G. R., Liao, X. T., Lin, D. X., Liu, B. J., Liu, C. L., Liu, C. X., Liu, F. H., Bondarenko, O., Liu, Fang, Liu, Feng, Liu, H., Liu, H. B., Liu, H. H., Liu, H. M., Liu, H. W., Liu, J. P., Liu, K., Liu, K. Y., Boyko, I., Liu, P. L., Liu, Q., Liu, S. B., Liu, X., Liu, Y. B., Liu, Z. A., Liu, Zhiqiang, Liu, Zhiqing, Loehner, H., Lou, X. C., Braun, S., Lu, G. R., Lu, H. J., Lu, J. G., Lu, X. R., Lu, Y. P., Luo, C. L., Luo, M. X., Luo, T., Luo, X. L., Lv, M., Briere, R. A., Ma, F. C., Ma, H. L., Ma, Q. M., Ma, S., Ma, T., Ma, X. Y., Maas, F. E., Maggiora, M., Malik, Q. A., Mao, Y. J., Bytev, V., Mao, Z. P., Messchendorp, J. G., Min, J., Min, T. J., Mitchell, R. E., Mo, X. H., Moeini, H., Morales, C. Morales, Moriya, K., Muchnoi, N. Yu., Cai, H., Muramatsu, H., Nefedov, Y., Nikolaev, I. B., Ning, Z., Olsen, S. L., Ouyang, Q., Pacetti, S., Park, J. W., Pelizaeus, M., Peng, H. P., Albayrak, O., Cai, X., Peters, K., Ping, J. L., Ping, R. G., Poling, R., Prencipe, E., Qi, M., Qian, S., Qiao, C. F., Qin, L. Q., Qin, X. S., Cakir, O., Qin, Y., Qin, Z. H., Qiu, J. F., Rashid, K. H., Redmer, C. F., Rong, G., Ruan, X. D., Sarantsev, A., Shao, M., Shen, C. P., Calcaterra, A., Shen, X. Y., Sheng, H. Y., Shepherd, M. R., Song, W. M., Song, X. Y., Spataro, S., Spruck, B., Sun, D. H., Sun, G. X., Sun, J. F., Cao, G. F., Sun, S. S., Sun, Y. J., Sun, Y. Z., Sun, Z. J., Sun, Z. T., Tang, C. J., Tang, X., Tapan, I., Thorndike, E. H., Toth, D., Cetin, S. A., Ullrich, M., Uman, I., Varner, G. S., Wang, B., Wang, D., Wang, D. Y., Wang, K., Wang, L. L., Wang, L. S., Wang, M., Chang, J. F., Wang, P., Wang, P. L., Wang, Q. J., Wang, S. G., Wang, X. F., Wang, X. L., Wang, Y. D., Wang, Y. F., Wang, Y. Q., Wang, Z., Chelkov, G., Wang, Z. G., Wang, Z. Y., Wei, D. H., Wei, J. B., Weidenkaff, P., Wen, Q. G., Wen, S. P., Werner, M., Wiedner, U., Wu, L. H., Chen, G., Wu, N., Wu, S. X., Wu, W., Wu, Z., Xia, L. G., Xia, Y. X., Xiao, Z. J., Xie, Y. G., Xiu, Q. L., Xu, G. F., Chen, H. S., Xu, Q. J., Xu, Q. N., Xu, X. P., Xu, Z. R., Xue, Z., Yan, L., Yan, W. B., Yan, Y. H., Yang, H. X., Yang, Y., Chen, J. C., Yang, Y. X., Ye, H., Ye, M., Ye, M. H., Yu, B. X., Yu, C. X., Yu, H. W., Yu, J. S., Yu, S. P., Yuan, C. Z., Ambrose, D. J., Chen, M. L., Yuan, Y., Zafar, A. A., Zallo, A., Zang, S. L., Zeng, Y., Zhang, B. X., Zhang, B. Y., Zhang, C., Zhang, C. C., Zhang, D. H., Chen, S. J., Zhang, H. H., Zhang, H. Y., Zhang, J. Q., Zhang, J. W., Zhang, J. Y., Zhang, J. Z., Zhang, LiLi, Zhang, R., Zhang, S. H., Zhang, X. J., Chen, X. R., Zhang, X. Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y. H., Zhang, Z. P., Zhang, Z. Y., Zhang, Zhenghao, Zhao, G., Zhao, H. S., Zhao, J. W., Zhao, Lei, Chen, Y. B., Zhao, Ling, Zhao, M. G., Zhao, Q., Zhao, S. J., Zhao, T. C., Zhao, X. H., Zhao, Y. B., Zhao, Z. G., Zhemchugov, A., Zheng, B., Cheng, H. P., Zheng, J. P., Zheng, Y. H., Zhong, B., Zhou, L., Zhou, X., Zhou, X. K., Zhou, X. R., Zhu, C., Zhu, K., Zhu, K. J., Chu, Y. P., Zhu, S. H., Zhu, X. L., Zhu, Y. C., Zhu, Y. S., Zhu, Z. A., Zhuang, J., Zou, B. S., Zou, J. H., Cronin-Hennessy, D., Dai, H. L., Dai, J. P., Dedovich, D., An, F. F., Deng, Z. Y., Denig, A., Denysenko, I., Destefanis, M., Ding, W. M., Ding, Y., Dong, L. Y., Dong, M. Y., Du, S. X., Fang, J., An, Q., Fang, S. S., Fava, L., Feng, C. Q., Friedel, P., Fu, C. D., Fu, J. L., Fuks, O., Gao, Y., Geng, C., Goetzen, K., Bai, J. Z., Gong, W. X., Gradl, W., Greco, M., Gu, M. H., Gu, Y. T., Guan, Y. H., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L. B., Guo, T., Guo, Y. P., Baldini Ferroli, R., Han, Y. L., Harris, F. A., He, K. L., He, M., He, Z. Y., Held, T., Heng, Y. K., Hou, Z. L., Hu, C., Hu, H. M., Ban, Y., Hu, J. F., Hu, T., Huang, G. M., Huang, G. S., Huang, J. S., Huang, L., Huang, X. T., Huang, Y., Hussain, T., Ji, C. S., Becker, J., Ji, Q., Ji, Q. P., Ji, X. B., Ji, X. L., Jiang, L. L., Jiang, X. S., Jiao, J. B., Jiao, Z., Jin, D. P., Jin, S.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Physical review / D 88(3), 032007 (2013). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.88.032007
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.032007
Popis: Based on $(106.41 \pm 0.86)\times 10^{6}$ $\psi(3686)$ events collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider, the branching fractions of $\psi(3686) \to \pi^+\pi^- J/\psi$, $J/\psi \to e^+e^- $, and $J/\psi \to \mu^+\mu^-$ are measured. We obtain ${\cal B}[\psi(3686) \to \pi^+\pi^-J/\psi]=(34.98\pm 0.02\pm 0.45)%$, ${\cal B}[J/\psi \to e^+e^-] = (5.983 \pm 0.007 \pm 0.037)%$ and ${\cal B}[J/\psi \to \mu^+\mu^-] = (5.973 \pm 0.007 \pm 0.038)%$. The measurement of ${\cal B}[\psi(3686) \to \pi^{+}\pi^{-}J/\psi]$ confirms the CLEO-c measurement, and is apparently larger than the others. The measured $J/\psi$ leptonic decay branching fractions agree with previous experiments within one standard deviation. These results lead to ${\cal B}[J/\psi \to l^+l^-] = (5.978 \pm 0.005 \pm 0.040)%$ by averaging over the $e^{+}e^{-}$ and $\mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ channels and a ratio of ${\cal B}[J/\psi \to e^+e^-] / {\cal B}[J/\psi \to \mu^+\mu^-] = 1.0017 \pm 0.0017 \pm 0.0033$, which tests $e$-$\mu$ universality at the four tenths of a percent level. All the measurements presented in this paper are the most precise in the world to date.
Databáze: OpenAIRE