Creating Future Memories: A Dialogue on Process

Autor: Mads Middelboe Rehder
Zdroj: UC Viden
Rehder, M M 2016, ' Creating Future Memories: A Dialogue on Process ' Journal of Media Practice, no. Special issue: The disrupted Journal of Media Practice .
Popis: This contribution documents the generative method we used to create a two-day public workshop on archiving digital memory, which occurred in April 2016 at the Counterplay Festival in Aarhus. Our group members, collectively known as the Futuremaking group created two distinct experiences. The “Help Desk of the Future” was created as a means of acting out how unhelpful many helpdesks actually are and to imagine how algorithms may be positioning our futures for us. The Museum of Random Memory functioned as a pop-up curatorial event where participants could offer up memories, experiences, and objects that they wished to “forget,” which was subsequently documented by the museum.
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