This year would have started well if only it were not for B. and G.The antiquities trade in Sremska Mitrovica at the turn of the 20th century

Autor: Bunčić, Maja, Solter, Ana
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Vjesnik Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu
Volume 53
Issue 1
ISSN: 1849-1561
Popis: Rad prikazuje na koje su se sve načine početkom 20. stoljeća prikupljali predmeti i formirale arheološke zbirke. Uz pregled pravnih okvira, ocrtane su okolnosti koje su obilježile nabavu predmeta na primjeru Srijemske Mitrovice, gdje je paralelno funkcionirala „prava arheologija”, kao i tipična preprodaja „starina”. Bogata korespondencija iz tog vremena, pohranjena u okviru Dokumentarne zbirke Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu, omogućila nam je sagledati opće raspoloženje prema arheologiji i utjecaj pojedinaca na rast muzejskog fundusa. Kao posebno zanimljiva osoba, ističe se Georg (Gjuro) Griesbach, mitrovački urar i zlatar te, kako doznajemo, trgovac starinama, čija se uloga i odnos sa zagrebačkim Narodnim muzejom nastoji prikazati. Propituje se zaključno zašto se danas ne bi trebala provoditi praksa nabave predmeta koja je bila uobičajena za kraj 19. i početak 20. stoljeća
This paper shows all the ways in which artefacts were collected, and archaeological collections compiled, at the beginning of the 20th century. After providing an overview of the legal framework, the circumstances typical of the procurement of artefacts are described using the example of Sremska Mitrovica, where ‘real archaeology’ co-existed simultaneously with a typical trade in antiquities. The voluminous correspondence from that time, stored within the Documentary Collection of the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, provides insight into the general attitude towards archaeology, as well as the impact individuals had on the increase of the museum’s holdings. Georg (Gjuro) Griesbach, a watchmaker and goldsmith from Mitrovica – and, as we found out, an antiquities dealer – stands out as a particularly interesting person, whose role and relationship with the Zagreb National Museum is presented. In conclusion, the question is posed as to why the practice of procuring artefacts, which was common in the late 19th century and early 20th, should not also be continued today.
Databáze: OpenAIRE