The peculiarities of perspective students selection mechanism by the future employers-enterprise

Autor: Shaidullina A., Merzon E., Zakirova V., Mokeyeva E., Karev B., Burdukovskaya E., Polevaya N.
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: SCOPUS19187173-2015-7-1-SID84919683284
Popis: © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The search of qualified staff is an up-to-date problem for all enterprises. In this regard the aim of the research is the development of perspective students selection mechanism by the future employers. One of the sub-stages of the algorithm is the formation of the resource and reserve groups of students by the enterprise representatives and by tutors of the faculty of professional educational institutions. The formation of the resource and reserve groups of students with flexible system of transition from one group into another according to the results of their progress, according to participation extracurricular life of the institute, participation at the international, All-Russian scientific and practical conferences, allow to intensify the process of their self-preparation by means of creation of the natural competitive environment in educational institution of professional education. It also helps to do the selection by employers and to distribute perspective students taking into account their potential opportunities and professional interests.
Databáze: OpenAIRE