Autor: Mukwege Buhendwa, Vincent
Přispěvatelé: Collaboration Transfrontalière du Grand Virunga (GVTC), Mukwege, Buhendwa Vincent
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: This research paper is based on the notions of green or environmental communication to address some reprehensible facts due to the pollution of the transboundary waters of the Rusizi River, shared by the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Rwanda and Burundi. Green communication aims at exchanging and informing about a variety of specific environmental events that are enough significant to be noticed and noteworthy to attract attention (Th. Libaert, 2017).The study focused on the sociocultural and economic, geopolitical and ecological opportunities provided by the transboundary waters of the Rusizi River (and the Lake Kivu) and which, as a result, with regard to sustainable development, the hydroelectric production and transboundary ecosystems conservation, have to be rationally managed to meet the needs of current generations without preventing future generations from meeting their own needs. The approach used to investigate on the Rusizi waters management starts from the city of Bukavu (DRC), and not from neighbouring countries. The theoretical and conceptual aspects of the study address the usual concepts in environmental management, including the notions of biodegradability, eco-citizenship, the need for eco-gestures, etc. Green communication is also outlined as a pre-text for the rational management of the transboundary waters of the Rusizi waters. Evident effects of erosion observed in Bukavu, amplified by a deficient policy of household waste management, generate a considerable pollution that endangers the transboundary waters and the hydroelectric productivity of the two dams erected on this river, which is an outlet of the Lake Kivu.The pollution of the Lake Kivu does not affect only this lake and its outlet since their waters flow into the Atlantic, through the Lake Tanganyika, Lukuga and Lualaba Rivers as well as the Congo River. Thus, natural factors that threaten the environment and the ecosystems, in this case, could be aggravated by other anthropogenic factors identified in this study and even endanger the natural resources and ecosystems shared by several countries in the transboundary area of Lake Kivu and Rusizi River.
Ce papier de recherché est basé sur quelques notions de communication verte ou environnementale afin de cerner, tant soit peu, des faits répréhensibles relatifs à la pollution des eaux transfrontalières de la Rivière Rusizi partagées par la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), le Rwanda et le Burundi. La communication verte vise à échanger et informer sur une variété d'évènements environnementaux spécifiques qui sont suffisamment significatifs pour être remarqués et remarquables pour attirer l'attention (Th. Libaert, 2017). Cette étude est focalisée sur des aspects socioculturels et économiques, géopolitiques et écologiques que représentent les eaux transfrontalières de la Rivière Rusizi (et du lac Kivu). Ces dernières, en contrepartie et au regard du développement durable, de la production hydroélectrique et la conservation des écosystèmes transfrontaliers, doivent être rationnellement gérées de manière à permettre aux générations présentes de répondre à leurs besoins sans pour autant empêcher les générations futures à répondre à leurs propres besoins. L'approche utilisée dans cette investigation part de la ville de Bukavu (RDC) et non pas des pays voisins. Les aspects théoriques et conceptuels de l'étude abordent des concepts usuels en matière de gestion de l'environnement, y compris les notions de biodégradabilité et d'éco-citoyenneté, la nécessité de poser des éco-gestes, etc. La communication verte est également effleurée comme pré-texte à une gestion rationnelle des eaux transfrontalières de la Rusizi. Des effets évidents de l'érosion, observés dans la ville de Bukavu, amplifiés par une politique déficiente en matière de gestion des déchets ménagers, génèrent une pollution considérable qui porte une entorse aux eaux transfrontalières et à la productivité hydroélectrique de deux barrages érigés sur cette rivière qui est aussi un exutoire du lac Kivu. La pollution du lac Kivu n'affecte pas que ce dernier et son exutoire dès lors qu'ils déversent dans l'Atlantique, à travers le lac Tanganyika, les rivières Lukuga et Lualaba ainsi que le fleuve Congo.D'où, les facteurs naturels qui menacent l'environnement et les écosystèmes dans ce cas précis, seraient aggravés par d'autres facteurs anthropiques identifiés dans cette étude et menaceraient les ressources naturelles et les écosystèmes partagés par plusieurs pays dans l'espace transfrontalier du lac Kivu et de la rivière Rusizi. Abstract: This research paper is based on the notions of green or environmental communication to address some reprehensible facts due to the pollution of the transboundary waters of the Rusizi River, shared by the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Rwanda and Burundi. Green communication aims at exchanging and informing about a variety of specific environmental events that are enough significant to be noticed and noteworthy to attract attention (Th. Libaert, 2017). The study focused on the sociocultural and economic, geopolitical and ecological opportunities provided by the transboundary waters of the Rusizi River (and the Lake Kivu) and which, as a result, with regard to sustainable development, the hydroelectric production and transboundary ecosystems conservation, have to be rationally managed to meet the needs of current generations without preventing future generations from meeting their own needs. The approach used to investigate on the Rusizi waters management starts from the city of Bukavu (DRC), and not from neighbouring countries. The theoretical and conceptual aspects of the study address the usual concepts in environmental management, including the notions of biodegradability, eco-citizenship, the need for eco-gestures, etc. Green communication is also outlined as a pretext for the rational management of the transboundary waters of the Rusizi waters. Evident effects of erosion observed in Bukavu, amplified by a deficient policy of household waste management, generate a considerable pollution that endangers the transboundary waters and the hydroelectric productivity of the two dams erected on this river, which is an outlet of the Lake Kivu. The pollution of the Lake Kivu does not affect only this lake and its outlet since their waters flow into the Atlantic, through the Lake Tanganyika, Lukuga and Lualaba Rivers as well as the Congo River. Thus, natural factors that threaten the environment and the ecosystems, in this case, could be aggravated by other anthropogenic factors identified in this study and even endanger the natural resources and ecosystems shared by several countries in the transboundary area of Lake Kivu and Rusizi River.
Databáze: OpenAIRE