Autor: Poletan Jugović, Tanja, Dujmović Cerovac, Mirna
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Pomorstvo
Volume 26
Issue 1
ISSN: 1846-8438
Popis: Projekt “morskih autocesta” na Jadranu (AdriaticMoS) projekt je koji se zasniva na ideji i strategiji po-vezivanja Europe s jugoistočnom obalom Europske unije, Ciprom i susjednim područjima putem transeu-ropskog multimodalnog transportnog sustava. Na taj se način daje prilika za razvitak priobalne plovidbe i intermodalnosti u cijeloj regiji, uvažavajući smjernice europske prometne politike koje u sklopu afirmacije održivog i učinkovitijeg prometa favoriziraju preusmjeravanje cestovnog teretnog prometa na alternativne prijevozne sustave. Implementacija navedenog projekta u Republici Hrvatskoj implicirat će brojne gospodarske i prometne učinke koje je potrebno analizirati i vrednovati kako bi se dobile realne procjene društvene korisnosti projekta. Slijedom toga, u ovome se radu predstavlja koncept “morskih autocesta”, ističe se važnost i opravdanost uključivanja Republike Hrvatske u spomenuti sustav kao i prednosti koje bi taj koncept proizveo intenzivirajući integriranje Republike Hrvatske u sustav transeuropske prometne mreže. Posebice se utvrđuju učinci provedbe projekta “morskih autocesta” na Jadranu, sugerirajući primjenu cost-benefit analize kao odgovarajuće metode mjerenja troškova i koristi projekta.
The “motorways of the sea” project in the Adriatic Sea (“AdriaticMoS) is a project based on the idea and stra-tegy of connecting Europe with the south-east coast of the European Union, Cyprus and neighbouring areas through a trans-European multimodal transport system. This is an opportunity for the development of coastal navigation and intermodality in the entire region, by accepting the guidelines of the European transport policy that favour the redirection of road freight transport to alternative transport systems within the affir-mation of sustainable and more efficient transport. The implementation of the abovementioned project in the Republic of Croatia will imply numerous economic and transport effects that need to be analysed and eva-luated so as to obtain real estimates of social usefulness of the project. Subsequently, this paper presents the concept of “motorways of the sea”, emphasizes the importance and justifiability of including the Republic of Croatia in the aforesaid system, as well as the advantages that this concept would generate by integrating the Republic of Croatia in the Trans-European Transport Network. Special emphasis is on determining the effects of “motorways of the sea” project implementation in the Adriatic Sea, suggesting the application of cost-benefit analysis as the appropriate method for measu¬ring costs and benefits of the project.
Databáze: OpenAIRE