Databehandling vid Väg- och vattenbyggnads-styrelsen/Vägverket 1957–1980 : Transkript av ett vittnesseminarium vid Tekniska museet i Stockholm den 22 maj 2006

Autor: Lundin, Per
Jazyk: švédština
Rok vydání: 2007
Popis: The witness seminar “Databehandling vid Väg- och vattenbyggnadsstyrelsen/Vägverket 1957–1980” [Data Processing at the Royal Board of Roads and Water Building/National Road Administration 1957—1980] was held at Tekniska museet [The National Museum of Science and Technology] in Stockholm on 22 May 2006 and led by Carl-Olof Ternryd. The seminar considered the development of data processing, photogrammetry and metrology at the Royal Board of Roads and Water Building/National Road Administration. The im-portance of these different methods in the planning, design and laying out of roads was discussed. A nine-week study visit to the USA in 1957 was identified as having played a key part in the early introduction of data processing at the Royal Board of Roads and Water Building. The use of quantity computation programmes in road planning, the advent of aerial photography and the introduction of photogrammetric instruments were taken up. Attention was also paid to the significance of information and education in spreading knowledge of data processing, photogrammetry and metrology within the organization. Particular note was taken of topics such as the official choice of the programming language ALGOL-GENIUS, the establishment of the early informa-tion system Vägdatabank, and the joint organization of tech-nical and administrative data processing.
Databáze: OpenAIRE