Civil Procedure in Denmark

Autor: Werlauff, Erik
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2001
domestic jurisdiction
Danish courts

voldgift i Danmark
Danish bar
burden of proof
litigation in Denmark

Brussels I Regulation

cile retssager
arbitration in Denmark
litigation in Denmark

legal aid

expert evidence
litigation in Denmark


international jurisdiction
Danish courts

advokatstanden i Danmark
international voldgift

enforcement of judgments

litigation in Denmark

Bruxelles I-forordningen

international arbitration

civil procedure in Denmark
retssag i Danmark

fri proces

Unictral arbitration model

retssag i Danmark

civil cases in Denmark
værneting i danske retssager
danske domstole

Danish courts
værneting i internationale retssager
danske domstole

civil retspleje
retssag i Danmark

Uncitral model-voldgiftslov

danske domstole
fuldbyrdelse af domme

sagkyndige vidner
retssag i Danmark
Zdroj: Werlauff, E 2001, Civil Procedure in Denmark . Djøf Forlag, Hague .
Werlauff, E 2009, Civil Procedure In Denmark . 2. rev. ed. edn, Djøf Forlag, Alphen aan den Rijn .
Popis: Bogen foretager en ajourført gennemgang af dansk civilproces efter de store retsplejereformer i 2007. Den behandler spørgsmål om domstolenes indretning, anlæg og forberedelse af civile retssager, bevismateriale og bevisbyrde, internationale procesretlige spørgsmål, herunder forholdet til Bruxelles I-forordningen og Danmarks deltagelse i denne via parallelkonvention, menneskerettighedskonventionens betydning for dansk procesret, afsigelse af dom og kendelse, anke og kære, fuldbyrdelse i Danmark af domme fra danske og udenlandske domstole samt voldgift i Danmark i danske og internationale voldgiftssager efter den store danske voldgiftsreform med Uncitral-modelloven som forbillede. Bogen er skrevet dels på grundlag af traditionel retsvidenskabelig forskning, dels på grundlag af forfatterens mangeårige deltagelse som medlag af Retsplejerådet, der løbende vurderer behovet for reformer af den civile retspleje i Danmark, og endelig på grundlag forfatterens betydelige personlige erfaringer som dommer i danske og internationale voldgiftssager. The book contains an up-to-date survey of Danish civil procedure after the profound Danish procedural reforms in 2007. It deals with questions concerning competence and function of Danish courts, commencement and preparation of civil cases, questions of evidence and burden of proof, international procedural questions, including relations to the Brussels I Regulation and Denmark's participation in this Regulation via a parallel convention with the EU countries, impact on Danish civil procedure of the convention on human rights, preparation and pronouncement of judgment and verdict, questions of appeal, enforcement in Denmark of judgments pronounced by Danish or foreign courts, as well as arbitration in Danish and international arbitral cases, based on the extensive Danish arbitral reform 2005, taking the Uncitral pattern arbitration law as its model. The book is written parly based on traditional legal scientific activities conducted by the author, partly based on the author's experience as a member, through a number of years, of the Danish Standing Committee on Procedural Law (Retsplejeraadet), which on a continuous basis evaluates the need for civil procedural reforms in Denmark, and finally also based on the author's extensive personal experience as arbitrator in numerous Danish and international arbitral proceedings.
Databáze: OpenAIRE