Milieukosten energiemaatregelen 1990-2010 - Overzicht kosten en mogelijke verbeteringen in de monitoring

Autor: Boonekamp, PGM, Sijm JPM, Wijngaart RA van den, KMD, ECN
Jazyk: Dutch; Flemish
Rok vydání: 2007
Popis: Since years the costs of environmental measures have been systematically determined using a prescribed procedure. As a side result of the formulation of target values for sectoral CO2 emissions these costs have been updated, with the emphasis on the environmental costs of savings on fossil energy consumption. First, the principles of calculating costs and cost effectiveness are presented. Then, using a number of data sources on the historic costs of saving measures, the cost effectiveness has been estimated for different sectors and the years 1995 and 2000. The cost effectiveness has also been determined for the period up to 2010, using the results of scenarios with and without policy measures. Finally an analysis is presented of the possibilities to determine more structurally the environmental costs in the field of energy policy.
Databáze: OpenAIRE