Archaebotanical analysis of layers of the Liburnian settlement in Nadin

Autor: Knežić, Dolores
Přispěvatelé: Šoštarić, Renata, Čelhar, Martina
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Arheobotanička analiza željeznodobnih slojeva iz kv. B 8/10 u naselju na lokalitetu Nadin–Gradina uključuje makrobotaničku analizu sedimenta kojoj je pridružena analiza makrobotaničkih ostataka s keramičkih ulomaka iz sloja 419. Izdvojeni su karbonizirani i mineralizirani biljni ostaci, kao i oni indirektni – biljni otisci na keramici. Brojnost nalaza krupnozrnih žitarica (Cerealia) i pojavnost u svim proučavanim slojevima ukazuje kako su upravo one činile osnovu prehrane. Iako ih je većina u fragmentiranom obliku, detektirana su i cjelovita pšena od kojih su identificirani ječam (Hordeum vulgare) i njegove tri podvrste: dvoredni ječam (Hordeum vulgare var. distichum), četveroredni ječam (Hordeum vulgare var. tetrastichum) i šesterororedni ječam (Hordeum vulgare var. hexastichum). Zabilježene su četiri vrste pšenice: jednozrna (Triticum monococcum), dvozrna (Triticum dicoccum), pravi pir (Triticum spelta) i tvrda pšenica (Triticum durum grupa) u dvije varijante – labavog i gustog klasa. Sitnosjemene žitarice, proso (Panicum miliaceum) i klipasti muhar (Setaria italica) također su evidentirane, ali u manjem broju u odnosu na krupnozrne žitarice. Kultivacija krupnozrnih žitarica na nalazištu potvrđena je kroz starije željezno doba pronalaskom tragova ostataka od vršidbe žitarica na keramičkim ulomcima lokalne izrade, dok su sitnosjemene žitarice najvjerojatnije bile kultivirane po potrebi, ali nisu bile dominantne u ishrani, što potvrđuju izotopske analize što može upućivati na korištenje u druge svrhe. Detektirani su i raznovrsni korovi te ruderalne biljke među kojima se ističe ražasti ovsik (Bromus secalinus) koji se teško uklanjao putem vršidbe zbog čega se ponovno zasijavao, ali i konzumirao. U vrlo malom broju izdvojene su i mahunarke poput leće (Lens culinaris), boba (Vicia faba) i lećaste grahorice (Vicia ervilia). One su bile uzgajane, a potom i korištene u prehrani s obzirom kako su pronađene u skladišnim kontekstima zajedno sa žitaricama. Identificirane su i razne drvenaste biljke poput vinove loze (Vitis vinifera), masline (Olea europaea), smokve (Ficus carica), žira (Quercus sp.), trešnje (Prunus avium), trnine (Prunus spinosa) i drijena (Cornus mas) koje svjedoče sakupljačkim aktivnostima van naselja. Dok se za vinovu lozu s obzirom na učestalost pronalaska i veći broj fragmenata možemo pretpostaviti kultivaciju već tijekom starijeg željezng doba, a za maslinu tek od mlađeg željeznog doba. Udruživanjem podataka provedenih analiza dobili smo širu sliku gospodarskih praksi i vegetacije u okolici. Archaeobotanical analysis of the Iron Age layers from unit B 8/10 in the settlement at the Nadin–Gradina site includes a macrobotanical analysis of the sediment, which is accompanied by an analysis of macrobotanical remains from ceramic fragments from layer 419. Carbonized and mineralized plant remains, as well as plant impressions on ceramics, were isolated. The great number of large-grained cereals (Cerealia) and their occurrence in all layers indicate that they were staple foods. Although most of them are in fragmented form, whole seeds were also detected. Barley (Hordeum vulgare) and its three subspecies were identified: two-rowed barley (Hordeum vulgare var. distichum), four-rowed barley (Hordeum vulgare var. tetrastichum), and six-rowed barley (Hordeum vulgare var. hexastichum). Four types of wheat were recorded: Einkorn wheat (Triticum monococcum), Emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum), spelt wheat (Triticum spelta), and durum wheat (Triticum durum group) in two varieties: lax-eared and dense-eared. Small-seeded cereals, broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum) and foxtail millet (Setaria italica) were also recorded, but in smaller quantities compared to large-grained cereals. Cultivation of large-grained cereals at the site was confirmed in the Early Iron Age by finding traces of grain threshing remains on locally made ceramic fragments, while small-seeded grains were most likely cultivated as needed, but were not dominant in the diet, as confirmed by isotopic analyses, which may point to their use for other purposes. A variety of weeds and ruderal plants were also detected, among which stands out the ryegrass (Bromus secalinus), which was difficult to remove by threshing, which is why it was re-sown but also consumed. Legumes such as lentils (Lens culinaris), broad beans (Vicia faba), and bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia) were also identified, although in very small quantities. They were found in storage contexts together with cereals, which suggests that they were cultivated and consumed. Various woody plants such as grapevine (Vitis vinifera), olive (Olea europaea), fig (Ficus carica), acorn (Quercus sp.), cherry (Prunus avium), blackthorn (Prunus spinosa) and dogwood (Cornus mas) were also identified, which testifies gathering activities in the vicinity of the settlement. While for the vine, considering the frequency of finds and the greater number of fragments, it can be assumed that cultivation began already during the Early Iron Age, and for the olive only from the Late Iron Age. By combining the data of the conducted analyses, we obtained a broader picture of economic practices and vegetation in the surrounding area.
Databáze: OpenAIRE