Digitalizacija starih hrvatskih novina: Narodni list 1862.-1920

Autor: Rogić, Milenka
Přispěvatelé: Tomić, Marijana
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: Digitalizacija starih novina je imperativ koji se pojavljuje u suvremenim knjižnicama u kontekstu velikog interesa korisnika s jedne strane i nastojanja da se izuzetno krhki i oštećeni materijal što bolje zaštiti. Iako se prvotno smatralo da novine imaju prolaznu vrijednost, a skepticizam o korištenju novina kao povijesnih izvora zasniva se na njihovoj upitnoj točnosti i pouzdanosti podataka koje donose, u novije vrijeme sve se više istražuje svakodnevni život, kultura i društvo. Tako su novine, zbog njihove vrijednosti za nacionalnu i lokalnu povijest, politiku i kulturu, uz ostalu pisanu baštinu, često tražene u svrhu različitih istraživanja. Stoga se želi ukazati na važnost očuvanja novina kao dijela pisane baštine i na nove mogućnosti njihove zaštite koja se ostvaruje razvojem tehnologije i jačanjem utjecaja digitalizacije. Osim zaštite, digitalizacija omogućuje i lakšu dostupnosti za korisnike. U našim okolnostima posebno treba istaknuti korištenje starih hrvatskih novina, tj. novina iz 19. i prve polovine 20. stoljeća na hrvatskom jeziku ali i strateški dokument koji predstavlja temelj za razvoj programa i projekata digitalizacije. Prema tome, u radu će se prikazati zaštita pisane baštine s posebnim naglaskom na novine i digitalizaciju. Istražit će se teorijske pretpostavke koje se bave digitalizacijom pisane baštine, posebno starih novina i primjeri dobre prakse u nekoliko stranih i domaćih projekata digitalizacije novina. Na kraju će se prikazati tijek provedbe i rezultati pilotskog testiranja digitalizacije Narodnog lista, 1862. godine s ciljem njegove zaštite i lakšeg pristupa korisnicima toj rijetkoj i zaštićenoj građi. Digitization of the old newspapers is an imperative present in the contemporary libraries in the context of the users huge interest on one hand and the effort to protect much better extremely fragile and damaged material. Although it was considered previously that the newspapers values have been ceasing, and the skepticism about using newspapers as historical sources is founded upon its questionable accuracy and reliability of the pieces of information they carry, until recent time everyday life, culture and society have been more explored. In this manner the newspapers, because of its values for the national and local history, politics and culture, together with the other written heritage, are often in demand for the purpose of variety of research. Therefore, it is wished for to point out the importance of preservation of the newspapers as the part of the written heritage and the new possibilities of preservation that is realized through the advancement of the technology and the digitization stronger influence. Apart from the preservation, digitization facilitates also easier accessibility for the users. Under our circumstances in particular it necessitates to emphasize the utilization of the old Croatian newspapers, i.e. 19th and first half of the 20th century in Croatian language but also the strategic document that presents a foundation for the program development and the digitization projects. Consequently, paper will present the preservation of the written heritage with particular accent on newspapers and the digitization. The theoretical hypothesis concerned with the digitization of written heritage will be explored, in particular of the old newspapers and the case studies of good practice of some foreign and national projects of newspapers digitization. At the end will be shown the course of the implementation and the results of pilot testing digitization of Narodni list, 1862, with the goal of its preservation and easier accessibility to the users of such exquisite and preserved documents.
Databáze: OpenAIRE