Clinical guidelines for endoscopic mucosal resection of non-pedunculated colorectal lesions

Autor: Albeniz, E, Pellise, M, Gimeno-Garcia, AZ, Lucendo, AJ, Alonso-Aguirre, PA, Herreros-de-Tejada, A, Alvarez, MA, Fraile, M, Herraiz-Bayod, M, Lopez-Roses, L, Martinez-Ares, D, Ono, A, Parra-Blanco, A, Redondo, E, Sanchez-Yague, A, Soto, S, Diaz-Tasende, J, Montes-Diaz, M, Rodriguez-Tellez, M, Garcia, O, Zuniga-Ripa, A, Hernandez-Conde, M, Alberca-de-las-Parras, F, Gargallo, C, Saperas, E, Munoz-Navas, M, Gordillo, J, Ramos-Zabala, F, Echevarria, JM, Bustamante, M, Gonzalez-Haba, M, Gonzalez-Huix, F, Gonzalez-Suarez, B, Vila-Costas, JJ, Guarner-Argente, C, Mugica, F, Cobian, J, Rodriguez-Sanchez, J, Lopez-Viedma, B, Pin, N, Marin-Gabriel, JC, Nogales, O, de-la-Pena, J, Navajas-Leon, FJ, Leon-Brito, H, Remedios, D, Esteban, JM, Barquero, D, Martinez-Cara, JG, Martinez-Alcala, F, Fernandez-Urien, I, Valdivielso, E, Spanish Endoscopic Resection Grp S
Rok vydání: 2018
r-IIS La Fe. Repositorio Institucional de Producción Científica del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe
Revista espanola de enfermedades digestivas : organo oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Patologia Digestiva
ISSN: 0210-5705
Popis: This document summarizes the contents of the Clinical Guidelines for the Endoscopic Mucosal Resection of Non-Peduncutated Colorectal Lesions that was developed by the working group of the Spanish Society of Digestive Endoscopy (GSEED of Endoscopic Resection). This document presents recommendations for the endoscopic management of superficial colorectal neoplastic lesions. (C) 2017 Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
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