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Cilj je ovog diplomskog rada prikazati rezultate ispitivanja stavova budućih uĉitelja o integraciji gluhoslijepe djece u redovne škole te stavove prema uĉenju znakovnog jezika. Ispitivanje je provedeno anketiranjem, odnosno anketom kao mjernim instrumentom na uzorku od 130 budućih uĉitelja Fakulteta za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti u Osijeku i Slavonskom Brodu. Rezultati su pokazali da se uĉitelji slaţu s integracijom djece oštećena vida i/ili sluha u redovne škole, ali smatraju da nisu dovoljno kompetentni za takav pothvat. Ujedno, spremni su za struĉno usavršavanje tijekom radnog staţa ukoliko će financijske troškove za isto snositi škola u kojoj rade, dok samostalno financiranje smanjuje postotak onih koji se ţele usavršavati putem razliĉitih edukacija. Vjeruju da će kurikularna reforma donijeti promjene unutar obrazovanja koje će pomoći boljoj integraciji uĉenika s poteškoćama, ali i motivirati same uĉitelje za stjecanje dodatnih kompetencija. Rad je podijeljen u nekoliko cjelina. Prva cjelina obuhvaća sadrţaj oštećenja sluha te razlike izmeĊu pojmova gluhoće, nagluhosti i gluhosljepoće. Drugi dio posvećen je naĉinima integracije djece spomenutih oštećenja u redovne škole, dok treći dio obuhvaća informacije o hrvatskom znakovnom jeziku kao jednom od opcija integracije. Sljedeću cjelinu ĉini spomenuto istraţivanje ĉijim će se rezultatima nastojati potaknuti buduće uĉitelje na pozitivan stav prema razvoju kompetencije kljuĉne za komunikaciju s gluhom, nagluhom ili gluhoslijepom djecom unutar razrednog odjela koja će dovesti do uspješnije obrazovne integracije. The main objective of this paper is to present the results of the research about the future teachers' attitudes towards the integration of deaf and blind children into the regular school system as well as their attitudes towards learning a sign language. The results of the research were obtained through questiomuirs filled out by 130 future teachers – students at the Faculty of Education in Osijek and Slavonski Brod. The research showed that the student teachers agree positively with the integration of deaf and a blind children into the regular school system, however they don't think that they are competent for such integration. Furthermove, they are willing to improve their competence in that area by attending additional seminars and/or lectures during their work period if the costs that might ocure would be covered by the schoolin which they teach. On the other hand, the number of student teachers willing to finance such additional education on their own is smaller. Student teachers believe that the curicular reform will bring change for the better when it comes to the integration of children with difficulties and motivate teachers for getting extra education in that area. This paper is divided into several sections. First section is about the hearing impairment and the differences in termes: deafness, hearing impairment and deaf blindness. Second section describes different ways of integration of children with such impairments into the regular school system whereas the third part covers the information about the Croatian sign language as one way of integration. The last section presents the results of the earlier described research in hope that the results will encourage future teachers to create a positive attitudes towards becoming competent for the communication with deaf or deaf blind children in their classroom which will aid farthebetter integration. |