A retroperspective pre- post analysis of changes in the heart rate variability parameters in chronic pain patients performing a 4-week multimodal pain therapy

Autor: Brüderlin, Jakob
Přispěvatelé: Breuer, Georg Heinrich, Brachmann, Johannes, Grabenbauer, Georg Gerhard, Vilović, Marino
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Objectives: Previous studies have shown that heart rate variability is reduced in chronic pain patients. The aim of this was to investigate the effects of a 4-week multimodal pain therapy on the heart rate variability parameters in chronic pain patients and whether they will improve. Materials and methods: A retrospective pre post analysis was performed analyzing the HRV records of 30 patients who participated at a 4-week multimodal pain therapy at the Pain Centre of the Regiomed Hospital Coburg, Bavaria, Germany in the period of 9 months, from Mai 2022 till January 2023. The HRV parameters collected at the beginning and end of the therapy considered in this study are as follows: heart rate, stress index, high frequency, low frequency, HF/LF ratio, NN50, pNN50. In addition, the cortisol levels were also taken into account for a general stress profile. The collected data was analyzed with JASP (Version, and normally distributed data were compared with a paired samples Student T Test, whereas non-normally distributed the Mann-Whitney-U test (Wilcoxon signed- rank). The significance level was set to a P-value of
Ciljevi: Prethodna istraživanja su pokazala da je varijabilnost srčanog ritma smanjena kod pacijenata s kroničnom boli. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati učinke četverotjedne multimodalne terapije boli na parametre varijabilnosti srčanog ritma kod pacijenata s kroničnom boli i provjeriti hoće li se poboljšati. Materijali i metode: Izvršena je retrospektivna pre-post analiza analizirajući zapise HRV-a 30 pacijenata koji su sudjelovali u četverotjednoj multimodalnoj terapiji boli u Centru za bol u bolnici Regiomed Coburg, Bavarska, Njemačka, u razdoblju od kolovoza 2022. do veljače 2023. HRV parametri prikupljeni na početku i kraju terapije koji su uzeti u obzir u ovom istraživanju su sljedeći: srčani ritam, indeks stresa, visoka frekvencija, niska frekvencija, HF/LF omjer, NN50, pNN50. Osim toga, razine kortizola također su uzete u obzir za opći profil stresa. Prikupljeni podaci analizirani su pomoću JASP-a (Verzija, a normalno distribuirani podaci uspoređivani su uparenim uzorcima t-testom, dok su neregularno distribuirani podaci testirani Mann-Whitney-U testom (Wilcoxonov potpisani rang). Razina značajnosti postavljena je na vrijednost P
Databáze: OpenAIRE