Psycho-pedagogical basis of mother-tongue education

Autor: Kharisova C., Kharisov F., Shakirova G.
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: SCOPUS20780303-2015-6-3-SID84959060075
Popis: The study of adverbs in the Tatar language is accompanied by significant difficulties: they are many similarities with adjectives, while they do not have their specific affixes. The article explores psychological mechanisms and the assimilation features in learning adverbs. Several stages of studying adverbs discussed. Adverbs contrasted with adjectives on the semantics, grammatical forms, and syntactic terms. As a result, the authors conclude that the initial acquaintance with adverbs in Tatar language is expressed through non-procedural indications of action, status and quality; understanding the features of adverbs supported by using language models, diagrams, and tables. The consolidation and retention of learned material is better when teacher supervises the process of study and students do not useexternal support. Finally, authors underline that effective and powerfulforce forlearning adverbs based on the needs for students to communicate in their native language.
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