LA-SF-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb geochronology of granitic rocks from the central Bundelkhand greenstone complex, Bundelkhand craton, India

Autor: Verma, Sanjeet Kumar, Oliveira, Elson Paiva de, 1947, Moreno, Juan Antonio Moreno
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Repositório Institucional da Unicamp
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
Repositório da Produção Científica e Intelectual da Unicamp
Popis: Agradecimentos: The work presented here was funded by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, FAPESP, Brazil under Grants [2012/07243-3, 12/15824-6 and 2014/04920-0]. VKS is thankful to DST, Gov. of India, for providing the financial support as Grants (project no. INT/ILTP/B-2.72 and project no. SR/S4/ES-339/2008). Prof. A.I. Slabunov (Petrozavodsk, Russia) is acknowledged for thoughtful discussions. We are grateful to the two reviewers (Vinod O. Samuel, and anonymous) and the editor (M. Santosh) for their insightful comments and suggestions to improve our presentation Abstract: The central Bundelkhand greenstone complex in Bundelkhand craton, northern India is one of the well exposed Archaean supracrustal amphibolite, banded iron formation (BIF) and felsic volcanic rocks (FV) and associated with grey and pink porphyritic granite, tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG). Here we present high precision zircon U–Pb geochronological data for the pinkish porphyritic granites and TTG. The zircons from the grey-pinkish porphyritic granite show three different concordia ages of 2531 ± 21 Ma, 2516 ± 38 Ma, and 2514 ± 13 Ma, which are interpreted as the best estimate of the magmatic crystallization age for the studied granites. We also report the concordia age of 2669 ± 7.4 Ma for a trondhjemite gneiss sample, which is so far the youngest U–Pb geochronological data for a TTG rock suite in the Bundelkhand craton. This TTG formation at 2669 Ma is also more similar to Precambrian basement TTG gneisses of the Aravalli Craton of north western India and suggests that crust formation in the Bundelkhand Craton occurred in a similar time-frame to that recorded from the Aravalli craton of the North-western India FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP Fechado
Databáze: OpenAIRE