Osteotomias de centraje en la enfermedad de perthes

Autor: Rodríguez Soto, J. M., Vázquez Suárez, G., Gutierrez Granda, M.E., Murcia Mazón, Antonio
Rok vydání: 1987
Zdroj: Rodríguez Soto, J. M. ; Vázquez Suárez, G. ; Gutierrez Granda, M.E. ; Murcia Mazón, Antonio. Osteotomias de centraje en la enfermedad de perthes. En: Revista española de cirugía osteoarticular, 22 131 1987: 299-305
RODERIC. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat de Valéncia
Popis: 30 cases of Perthes disease treated with varus femoral osteotomy are reported. Three cases were cornbined with innorninated osteotorny. The c1inical radiographical results were: 60% good, 33'3% fair and 6'6% poor. The authors advice the ostoetorny during the treatrnent with the airn of reducing the evolution period and disturb patients and parents the least.
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