Distribution of Cropland Weeds and Naturalized Plants in Iriomote Island and Its Aspects in Emergence (Agricultural Experiment Station)

Autor: Ishimine, Yukio, Aramoto, Mitsunori, Shinzato, Takakazu, Yamamori, Naoshi, Yonemori, Shigetomo
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: 琉球大学農学部学術報告. (39):157-175
ISSN: 0370-4246
Popis: 西表島東部と西部の雑草の実態を把握するために農耕地雑草,及び帰化植物の種類,発生量及び分布を調べた。1.耕地雑草では,サトウキビ畑雑草27科131種,パイナップル畑雑草20科46種,サトウキビ畑・パイナップル畑共通雑草22科59種,水田雑草25科69種が確認できた。2.帰化植物は17科78種,全草種では56科305種が確認できた。3.雑草分布調査では,サトウキビ畑で出現した種数は174種であり,45.7%が帰化植物であった。パイナップル畑においては44種のうち,22.7%,水田においては63種のうち,12.6%が帰化植物であった。4.作物畑別に雑草の分布を見ると,サトウキビ畑ではマメ科,イネ科,キク科が多く,パイナップル畑ではイネ科,キク科,水田ではカヤツリグサ科,イネ科が多かった。5.サトウキビ畑の生活型組成は,TH-R_5-D_4-e,パイナップル畑においてはH-R_5-D_1-e,水田においては,HH-R_5-D_1-tが最も多かった。6.地域的には雑草の組成にあまり差はみられなかったが,概して大原,豊原地域にはタツノツメガヤ,ハリビューが多かった。7.比較的新しい帰化植物で,現に盛んに繁殖しているもの,または将来繁殖地が著しく拡大するおそれのある雑草はタチスズメノヒエとタチアワユキセンダングサである。
The kinds, growing quantities and distributions of arable land weeds and naturalized weeds were investigated for the purpose of grasping the actual conditions of weeds in the eastern and western parts of Iriomote Island. 1. As arable land weeds, sugarcane field weeds of 27 families and 131 species. pineapple field weeds of 20 families and 46 species, the weeds common to sugarcane and pineapple field of 22 families and 59 species and paddy field weeds of 25 families and 69 species could be confirmed. 2. Naturalized weeds of 17 families and 78 species could be confirmed. of all of the weed species, 56 families and 305 species could be confirmed. 3. As a result of the investigation on the distributions of weeds, the number of species occurring in sugarcane fields were 174 and the ratio of naturalized weeds among them was 45.7%. The ratio of naturalized weeds was 22.7% among 44 species in sugarcane fields and 12.6% among 63 species in the paddy fields. 4. With respect to the distributions of weeds, weeds of Heguminosae, Gramineae and Compositae were numerous in the sugarcane fields, and those of Gramineae and Compositae were many in the pineapple fields, and Cyperaceae and Gramineae were many in the paddy fields. 5. With respect to a life form composition, TH-R5-D5-e was most dominate in the sugarcane fields and H-R5-D1-e was most abundant in the pineapple fileds and HH-R5-D1-t was most numerous in the paddy fields. 6. Not much difference was seen in the compositions of weeds locally but, generally, Dactylocteninm aegyptium Beanv. and Amaranthus spinosus L. were many in the Ohara and Toyofara reagions. 7. Of the relatively new naturalized weeds, which are vigorously growing or estimated to markedly increased in the future, Paspalum urvillei Steud. and Bidens pilosa var. radiata Scherff.
Databáze: OpenAIRE