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Neuralgija trigeminusa obilježena je pojavom paroksizama boli u jednoj ili više grana živca. Bol se opisuje kako izrazito jaka, unilateralna, poput udara struje. Pojedina epizoda boli traje u rasponu od nekoliko sekundi do dvije minute. Trigger zone su male površine na koži ili mukozi čiji podražaj uzrokuje paroksizmalnu bol. Podražaj može biti dodir, strujanje zraka, četkanje zuba itd. Razlikujemo idiopatsku i simptomatsku NT. INT je češća, nastaje zbog mikrovaskularne kompresije dijela n. trigeminusa, dok SNT nastaje sekundarno kao posljedica intrakranijskih procesa ili nekih sistemskih bolesti, poput multiple skleroze. Žene oboljevaju dvostruko više od muškaraca, a dob u kojoj se javljaju prvi simptomi je između 60. i 70. godine, iako mogu nastupiti i ranije. Dužnost je stomatologa uzeti anamnezu i provesti klinički pregled. Važno je napraviti i ortopantomogram da bi se u potpunosti otklonila mogućnost dentalne patologije, a potom se pacijenta upućuje na specijalističku obradu. Inicijalna terapija koju pacijenti primaju (ukoliko nisu alergični) je karbamazepin. Kod nekih pacijenata ipak postoji potreba za neurokirurškom terapijom koja može biti destruktivna (ablativna) i nedestruktivna. Preporuka je koristiti onu tehniku kojom se najbolje može pristupiti na problematično područje, a ono se najbolje može prikazati pomoću magnetske rezonance. Važan faktor pri odabiru tehnike je dob pacijenta i opće zdravstveno stanje. Trigeminal neuralgia is caracterised by paroxysmal pain in one of the three branches of the affected nerve. The pain is described as severe, unilateral and piercing. The duration of one pain attack can vary between a few seconds and two minutes. Trigger points are small areas of the skin or mucosa which, if stimulated, cause a pain attack. The stimulus for a pain attack can be touch, air flow, brushing of teeth etc. There are two types of TN- idiopathic and symptomatic. INT is presented more often and is caused by microvascular compression of a part of the trigeminal nerve, and STN is secondary to another intracranial or sistematic disease, such as multiple sclerosis. Women have double the risk of getting trigeminal neuralgia, especially between the ages of 60 to 70.The dentist’s duty is to explore the patient health history and performe a clinical examination. It is important to get an ortopanthomogram of the jaws so one can eliminate any dental pathology thet might be the cause of pain. Afterwards, the patient is send to a specialist so they can get the appropriate therapy. The initial therapy is carbamazepine if the patient is not allergic to it. Some patients still might require neurosurgical teraphy which can be divided into two types- destructive (ablative) and nondestructive. It is recommended to use the surgical technique which allows for the best and shortest approach to the affected area. Another important aspect is the patients’ age and their general medical condition. |