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Situacija u kojoj se ljudsko društvo danas nalazi odiše relativizmom, zaboravom „starih“, odnosno kršćanskih vrijednosti uopće. Kako se kršćanstvo zapostavlja, zapostavljaju se i njegova učenja i doktrine. Isto vrijedi i za eshatološka pitanja od kojih se danas posebno zadire proglašavajući ih nazadnim, zastarjelim, mitskim ili bajkovitim. Međutim, budući da niti jedan čovjek nije obični smrtnik, nego vječno biće, ova su pitanja od izrazite važnosti. C. S. Lewis je u svom raznolikom opusu veoma često, bilo implicitno, bilo eksplicitno, govorio o Bogu, zajedništvu čovjeka s njim te, u konačnici, o mogućnostima koje čovjek svojim životom odabire. Pred čovjeka je s jedne strane postavljen život u zajedništvu s Bogom – u miru, radosti i potpunom ispunjenju svih želja, a s druge strane prokletstvo bivanja isključivo sa samim sobom, samoizabranom zatvaranju u sebe. Čovjekov se put, u konačnici, svodi isključivo na izbor između ove dvije stvarnosti, bez ikakve alternative ili srednjega puta. Konačna čovjekova sudbina ne poznaje nikakav virtus in medio. Ovaj rad nastoji prikazati viđenje eshatoloških stvarnosti čistilišta, pakla i raja briljantnoga oxfordskog profesora Lewisa. Konzultirana su, gotovo isključivo, njegova djela s namjerom iščitavanja i prenošenja njegovih misli o navedenim stvarnostima. Lewis je nastojao na nov i svjež način prenijeti drevni kršćanski nauk te smatramo vrijednim prikazati njegova nadasve plemenita i kreativna nastojanja oko toga. The situation in which human society finds itself today breathes relativism, and the ‘old’ Christian values are being forgotten. Neglecting Christianity means neglecting both it’s teachings and doctrines. The same goes for eschatological questions which are today especially despised and which are called old, mythical and regressive. However, being that not one man is a mere mortal, but an eternal creature, these questions are of great value. C. S. Lewis in his various works often spoke about God, whether implicitly or explicitly, and about the relationship a man has with God along with all the possibilities which a man can choose in his life. On one hand, a man can choose living in a relationship with God – in peace, happiness and wholesome fulfillment of his desires. On the other hand, he can choose the curse of being alone and of being self contained. In the end, a man’s life path is purely the choice between those two things, without any alternatives or a middle way. A man’s destiny does not recognise the principle virtus in medio. This essay wants to show the vision of eschatological realities of purgatory, hell and heaven as seen by the brilliant Oxford professor C. S. Lewis. We consulted, almost exclusively, his works with the intention to read and share his thoughts about the aforementioned themes. Lewis endeavoured to share the ancient Christian teachings in a new and fresh way, and we consider it very important to share his noble and creative efforts regarding that. |