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Istraživački usmjerena nastava fizike potiče razvoj znanstvenog razmišljanja i zaključivanja. Učenici kroz istraživački usmjerenu nastavu razvijaju kritičko mišljenje, aktivno sudjeluju u nastavi te stječu znanja o samoj prirodi znanosti. Veliku ulogu u istraživački usmjerenoj nastavi fizike predstavlja pokus. Pokus, osim što nastavu čini zanimljivijom i zabavnijom, pruža izravno iskustvo učenicima o fizičkim pojavama. Pomoću pokusa učenici upoznavaju i istražuju nove pojave, te uz pokus uočavaju zakonitosti i testiraju hipoteze. Pri samom izvođenju pokusa kvantitativno se mjere fizičke veličine pri čemu pomažu mjerni instrumenti. Micro:bit kao suvremeno mikroračunalo može zamijeniti veći broj instrumenata i tako riješiti problem nedostatka opreme za izvođenje pokusa. Upoznavanje fizike na zabavan, kreativan i interdisciplinaran način uz korištenje tehnologije uvedeno je pomoću STEM pristupa obrazovanju. Research-oriented teaching of physics encourages the development of scientific thinking and reasoning. Through research-oriented teaching, students develop critical thinking, actively participate in teaching, and acquire knowledge about the very nature of science. Experiment plays a major role in research-oriented teaching of physics. The experiment, in addition to making teaching more interesting and fun, provides students with a direct experience of physical phenomena. With the help of the experiment, students get to know new phenomena, research about the phenomena, and with the experiment they notice the laws and test the hypotheses. During the experiment, physical quantities are measured quantitatively with the help of measuring instruments. Micro:bit as a modern microcomputer can replace a larger number of instruments and thus solve the problem of lack of equipment for performing experiments. Getting to know physics in a fun, creative and interdisciplinary way with the use of technology was introduced using the STEM approach to education. |