Autor: Monda, V., Ruberto, M., Villano, I., Valenzano, A., Ricciardi, A., Gallai, B., Marotta, R., Lavano, F., Lavano, S. M., Maltese, A., Tripi, G., Romano, P., Salerno, M.
Přispěvatelé: Monda, V, Ruberto, M, Villano, I, Valenzano, A, Ricciardi, A, Gallai, B, Marotta, R, Lavano, F, Lavano, Sm, Maltese, A, Tripi, G, Romano, P, Salerno, M, MONDA, V, RUBERTO, M, VILLANO, I, VALENZANO, A, RICCIARDI, A.C, GALLAI, B, MAROTTA, R, LAVANO, F, LAVANO, S.M, MALTESE, A, TRIPI, G, ROMANO, P, SALERNO, M
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: Movement is important for neuropsycho-physical development, ensuring the correct growth and giving many benefits from childhood to adulthood. Motor activity plays a pivotal role in psychological, educational and social terms: sport practice induces harmonious physical development with common important benefits independently from sport type and each sport imposes rules respect that children learns to know and respect step by step improving the social skills and cognitive abilities. Sport has a very important role in the growth of children and adolescents. Sport and physical activity work as a moral laboratory to practice decision-making and problem-solving skills, as well as teamwork and cooperation. In many pathological conditions, the sport practice is strongly discouraged, as in epileptic patients for the negative consequences on their physical condition and psychic. In general, several studies reported that physical activity has positive influence on seizure frequency and severity. As a result, attitudes regarding sports and epilepsy have changed considerably in the last decades and presently, the risk of convulsive seizures during sports practice is minimal in case of well-managed epilepsy. Evaluating the control of convulsive disease is therefore a key point to allow sports in the children and adolescents.
Databáze: OpenAIRE