Chinese remainder theorem and secret sharing schemes

Autor: Lipkevičius, Saulius
Přispěvatelé: Stakėnas, Vilius
Jazyk: litevština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Chinese remainder theorem is based on „Pars pro toto“(eng.a part (taken) for thewhole) principle, it raises a question, does a part of an object gives information about thewhole. Earliest known Chinese remainder theorem statement was presented in the Chinesemathematician Sun Zie book around 3rd century.[2] At first, theorem were applied to countbig units: for example size of the army, however, even today theorem find new types ofapplications.The main interest of this paper is divided in two directions: firstly, the main definitionsand statements were introduced, that are required to the following introduction of topicChinese remainder theorem, what is the core of Asmuth-Bloom secret sharing scheme –the main topic of this paper. Secondly, the programs were created that helps to distributesecret shares another to recreate a secret of secret sharing scheme.In the theoretical part of this paper main definitions and notions were given to provethe Chinese remainder theorem, based on this theorem Asmuth-Bloom threshold secretsharing scheme based on finite fields is introduced. Following, a programs are created todistribute secret shares and another to restore a secret of the Asmuth-Bloom thresholdsecret sharing scheme.
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