Migration patterns and residence of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in North Atlantic Ocean, based on recent tagging, recapture data and historical data from Canary Islands, Madeira and Azores

Autor: Pascual-Alayón, P.J. (Pedro José), González-Herrera, Marta, Abascal, F.J. (Francisco Javier), Figuereido, Lidia, Casañas-Machin, I. (Iván), Deniz, S. (Santiago), González-Carballo, M. (Marta), Báez, J.C. (José Carlos), Delgado-de-Molina-Acevedo, R. (Rosa)
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: e-IEO. Repositorio Institucional Digital de Acceso Abierto del Instituto Español de Oceanografía
Popis: This study presents the results of an OATTP tagging program on Bigeye tuna (T. obesus) that has been conducted from 2016 to 2018 offshore of Canary, Madeira and Azores Islands. 5.640 records released from recent AOTTP surveys, 923 historical records and 5 electronic tracks records, all released above 27º North, and are analyzed. There are recovery patterns, one and long distance, where the species exceeds the latitude of 43º north and -1º south. Another short recovery pattern when the specie is moving between the archipelagos indicating the possibility of feeding behavior. The homing behavior of some fishes after different time period from year to year is observed. Migratory patterns are diverse throughout the study period and are consistent with the “time fishing” and “fishing ground” of the species in the East Atlantic. A preliminary analysis of tracks to display sinuous trajectories in the area is presented. The main objective of this article is to show migratory patterns of Bigeye tuna in the North Atlantic.
Databáze: OpenAIRE