Disease characteristics of psoriatic arthritis patients may differ according to age at psoriasis onset: Cross-sectional data from the psoriatic arthritis-international database

Autor: Bilgin, E., Aydin, S. Z., Tinazzi, I., Bayindir, O., Kimyon, G., Ozisler, C., Dogru, A.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Objective To explore the impact of early versus late-onset psoriasis (PsO) on the disease characteristics of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) in a large-multicentre cohort. Methods The data from a multicentre psoriatic arthritis database was analysed. Patients were grouped according to age at psoriasis onset (early onset; 40 years of age) and disease characteristics of the groups were compared by adjusting for BMI and PsA duration, where necessary. Results At the time of analyses, 1634 patients were recruited [62.8% females; early onset 1108 (67.8%); late-onset, 526 (32.2%)]. The late-onset group was more over-weight [66.8% vs. 86.8%, p
Union Chimique Belge, UCB
Competing interests: D. Solmaz received funding from Union Chimique Belge (UCB) for an axial fellowship. S. Bakirci received funding from the Turkish Rheumatology Association (TRD). The other co-authors have declared no competing interests.
Databáze: OpenAIRE